• Mars •

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-1 day until going to mars -

Jason: ,,Morning mission member, ready to start a new life tomorrow?" he greeted us with the fattest smile on his face.

I'm actually really nervous. He doesnt need to know that tho

Me: ,,what do you mean 'ready'. Its not like I've been looking forward to this in forever. I wouldn't say I was born ready, because this is nothing I fear or had to prepare for. Its destiny you know ;)" I ended my little speech, just halfway pleased with what I just said? because I actually have no clue what's ahead of me

Jason: ,,What? You're not a tiny bit nervous? Okay makes sense. You know everything about the mars. Stupid of me to bring that up hahaha"

Me: ,,Ha ha.. yea.. but actually. what if I screw up?" I finally opend up

Jason: ,,Can you maybe shut up? That's not gonna happen."

Me: ,,Thank you, I appreciate that a lot and you're right. I wont. I mean, what's there to screw up right..?"

Jason: ,,You should young lady! I'm not the type of guy that motivates people all the time." (He said laughing)

He didnt get into the historical question of what's there to screw up because we both now, that theres too many things to screw up. I mean, we could die but that's worst that could happen, isnt it?

-Next day, way too early in the morning (something around 4:40 am)-

I got woken up and by the speaker in my room introducing that our mission starts today and encourages others to join and watch us leave. (those speakers hang in everyones room)

Speaker: ,,Attention everyone, the following announcement is about the Mars mission from OrbitT25B. The spaceship is leaving at this Orbit around 6am. Any interests from other Orbits (since the Orbit T25B members will all be there in general) to see the start are welcome to come."

I started collection all my essentials and putting them in a single bag. As soon as I was done, I went through my notes. I noted down every topic I have to know well about on Mars as well as all the steps to follow to succeed. It's now just a couple more minutes befor 6 and I have to go meet the crew at the spaceship. They're there already, going through the checklist to see if all the functions at the spaceship work properly. We're soon getting into our spacesuit. Lemme tell you, my heart is pounding.

Amy: ,,Morning lof! There you are. Ready to start this experience?"

Me: ,,That's what I've been waiting for Amy. So hurry up people! Let's get going!!" I said rushing and pushing Amy into the ship.

- time skip to being on the ship for 8 days -

I finally felt better. I've had some kind of disease I dont even know I had to throw up a couple of times. I guess it's because I havent been in a ship flying around a lot on a long time. Who am I kidding. I'm fucking freaked out! Im definitely not made for this job. I've never done this befor. Of course in a simulation but wth this is real life!

- time skip. 7 months later -

I spent the last months with studying. A lot. Not only about Mars tho. Luke and I watched the by flying galaxies and stars and found out a ton of interesting things. Well anyways, we finally landet and everyone wanted to get the hell out of that ship since asap.  As soon as we got out, I only saw red. Red stones, red big stones, red craters.
I know that was to expect but holy hell, it blinded me.

Jason: ,,Listen up everyone! So our first task here, is to find a good place to stay and start building on. So each of you needs a partner, cause I wont let you go alone obviusly. Look for good floor we can plant on, you all know the conditions for that. See you in two hours!"

I wanted to walk up to Amy wich I then saw running around with Jason already. But that didnt matter much because-

Luke: ,,Heyy, wanna team up?"

-He showed up

I agreed and we started walking around on Mars. While we were looking for a good place for the village and our farm. If I wouldn't have studied the ground so much, I would think this is impossible. We cant even put water on to the plants. We have to incur it in a different way but that's doable. We talked whilest searching and it seems like Luke tries to get closter to me.
After about half an hour we were at an area that was wider than the others. Not flat anymore. There where hills, creaters, really deep holes in the floor all of the sudden I found myself  taking a different path than Luke did. He was gone. No where to see and I he obviously couldn't hear me. I know because I shouted his name a thousand times, and I didnt get any responses. Befor I'd disappear too, I tried to find a way back. Whilst I was walking back tho...

|I'm tired. Let's just say this isnt what I wish this story would be but lmao what can I say. Things dont always work out for us in this world, am I right :)|

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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