• surprise! •

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-01/27/ My 18th birthday-

(Thoughts of a now 18 year-old. I do be feeling that now, waow.)

There we are mum. My third birthday without you. I know you don't want me to think about you all the time, but to enjoy this special day and to be happy but thinking about you actually makes me very happy. I never waste my thoughts remembering you. I miss you endless and I'll forever keep you in my heart, right where you belong. I hope you know that. Thank you for being my mother all along and befor this get to me too bad: I love you and I'm incredibly greatful for every single moment I got to spend with you. Every memory me made together is priceless and I wouldnt change a thing. I've learned so much from you and I continue to do, day by day. Thanks for always giving me another chance. I am going to make to proud, by finishing and the mission you started.

- Right after these thoughts, I received a facetime call -


Me: ,,Aaahh Hay Dad! Ireen! and heyy grandma & grandpa. Thank's so much you guys. I miss you lots up here!"

Dad: ,,We love you and we're so proud of you!"

Ireen: ,,But we miss you! You're up there for sooo long now. When can you come home. I wanna play with you again. Oh! and I need to show you the huge treehouse dad and I just finished building. It brings me closer to you, you know! Its soo high up"

Me: ,,Well I don't know when we're down the next time, but I can ask Amy later okay? I'm excited to see the treehouse too some time! Bet it turned out great.-"

-Right in this moment someone knocks on my door.-

Ireen: ,,Who's this?"

Me: ,,I don't know? Come in!" (I shouted waiting for the person to come in)

I was kinda surprised when Amy, Jason, Luke, Professor Harbord and 2 other mars mission members came in.

Amy: ,,We have to tell you something."

I was kinda worried because she sounded serious and non of them were smiling. Seems like it's important. I'm thinking about hanging up but I just ask them putting my phone on my bad, my family facing my naive sheets featuring a lot of paint, since I don't seem to be able to put paper under my drawings when I draw

Me: ,,What is it? Is it bad??"

Luke: ,,Well.-"

Harbord: ,,Well Tayra. We know how much you've done for this Orbit. How much you've promoted and pushed our work forward. Everyone knows how much you love doing what you're doing."

Me: ,,Soo..?"

Luke: ,,So, we've had a discussion and decided.-"

Amy: ,,That you should come live on the mars with us!"

Jason: ,,Tadaaaa!"


Me: ,,NOW WAY!"

Fam (Who was still on facetime the whole time): ,,Surprise!!! hahaha"

Me: ,,What- you knew?" I questioned picking them up.

Dad: ,,The whole time, that's why we called exaclty now. Amy told us they were about to tell you know."

I started tearing up a little but my pride was not willing to let everyone know I'm sentimental so I swelled it down quickly.

Me: ,,Oh wow well. I can't believe that. You honestly got to kidding."

Luke: ,,Why would we be joking about something this important to you? Haha." (he said comming up to me hugging me)

Me: ,,I donnow maybe I'm dreaming??"

Now everyone started laughing and we had a group hug for a couple seconds.

-A great birthday dinner with everyone, party games (out-of-space edition of course) and the cutest present later-

I was still shocked of what happend, (in a good way, self-explanatory) I layed down in my bed and I was greatfull.
I spoke to myself, and yet again, to my mum aswell.

I made it. I never thought I can make your dream, our dream, come true. I'm going to mars in 3 day's mum. I am allowed to go there! And any of this, just because of you-

-Some interrupted me with a knock on my door.-

???: ,,Heyy you, me again. Excited for Mars?"

Me: ,,You don't even know! I'm so happy. How did you even manage to win Harbord over haha?"

???: ,,Well, it was kinda easy because he wanted to send you there anyways. He was just a little insecure if you're not too young and inexperienced. But Amy, Jason and me handelt that. He changed his mind reaaally fast hahaha"

Me: ,,Thank you, Luke." (I said smiling bright.)

Luke: ,,Everything for that smile." (He said smiling too)

We smiled for a bit and continued talking until I realised I had to go to sleep since it's less than 3 days preparing time left. Short 18th birthday I gotta say. DOESNT MATTER THO. Dang, I guess I won't really be able to believe this until I'm acutally getting on that ship..

|Weeeell, kinda getting a lil better at the amount of words for my chapters. A lil as in a tiny bit, Chantio. Dont overestimate urself :/|

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