Meet the Campers

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I forgot to add another thing (my bad). Dakota is able to turn into Dakotazoid whenever she wants. The roots of her hair will also be light green. Okay let's get started!

"Welcome to Total Drama All Star Edition 2. This season every ex contest from the past seasons of Total Drama will be competing for 5 million dollars!" Total Drama host, Chris McLean said. He was standing on the dock waiting for the contests to show up.

"Let's start with the classics. First up we have lovable lame brain, Lindsay!" Just then a boat pulls up with Lindsay on it. She gets off but looks confused, as usual.

"Hi Kyle!"

"It's Chris. Next up we have the nut-job Izzy!" Another boat was coming to the dock but Izzy tried jumping to the dock but hit her head on the dock and fell in the water.

Chris started laughing, Lindsay went to help her out. After the two girls gave each other a quick hug and went to the other end of the dock.

"Next up we have, Queen Bee Heather!" Another boat pulled up, Heather had her sunglasses on and immediately took them off when she got off the boat.

"I can't believe I signed up for this crap again." Heather said as she walked past Chris and stood next to Izzy and Lindsay.

"Awe is someone sad that their boyfriend isn't here yet" Lindsay said. Heather just shot her a death glare.

"Now we have Ms. Know-it-all, C.I.T, Courtney!" Courtney's boat pulled up and she got off. She didn't speak to anyone mainly cause she doesn't like any of them.

"Next is the guy who blew up my cottage, Duncan!" Chris said, clearly he was still upset with Duncan about the whole blowing up his cottage. But he still wanted him on the show.

"It was not a cottage!" Courtney yelled.

Duncan got off his boat and said, "Next time, don't put me on the heroes team." He then went and stood next to girls but not near Courtney.

"Now we have the ex hottie, Justin." Justin's boat then pulled up and Justin got off it.

"What do you mean 'ex hottie'. I'm still hot. Like have you seen me!" Justin said frantically, Chris just shoved him away towards the others.

"Dude, have you seen World Tour? Alejandro stole your place." Duncan said. Lindsay helped Justin up and comforted him.

"Speaking of Alejandro, here he is!" Chris said, a boat then pulled up with Alejandro on it.

"No!!!!!!" Heather yelled out. Alejandro simply winked at her.

"What does he have that I don't have?" Justin asked Lindsay.

"Oh oh, he's hotter than you!" Izzy answered making Justin more sad.

Alejandro went to go stand by Heather to annoy her even more.

"Next up we have the party dude, Geoff!" When the boat came to the dock Geoff jumped off it. He did that guy hug with Duncan and gave a mean look to Alejandro.

"Hurry up!" Courtney yelled. Chris just ignored her and went back to announcing the next camper.

"Now we have the Duncan puncher, Cody!"

Cody walked off the boat winking at the girls. He then stood next to Justin, who was doing fairly better now.

"Next up is Cody's stalker, Sierra!" Sierra quickly ran off the boat and tackled Cody to the ground hugging him and trying to kiss him.

Total Drama All Stars Edition 2 Where stories live. Discover now