Relaxing... for now

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"Okay... the following villains are safe, Courtney, Eva, Justin, Duncan, Heather, Alejandro, Anne Maria, Mike, Lightning, Scott, Scarlett, Amy, Sugar, and Sky." Chris said while tossing them their marshmallows.

Jo was pretty confident that she wouldn't be leaving, while Max was starting to get nervous. He didn't want to be the 2nd camper to leave.

"Jo, you were the last one awake for the villains, but you also fell asleep and costed your team the challenge. Max, you are starting to annoy the rest of your team, including me. But the villain who is leaving is .......... Jo!" Chris exclaimed as he tossed the last marshmallow to Max. Jo was furious.

"What! Why me! I'm the athletic one! You need me! I was the only leader on this team!" Jo started yelling, two of the interns dragged Jo away and threw her in the toilet.

Confessional- Lightning
"We don't need him! Cause we have Lightning! Sha-yeah!"

Confessional- Heather
"As if she's a leader. I did want to vote for Max, but Jo would've been a big threat later on. It was better to get her out of the way sooner, rather than later."

Confessional- Duncan
"As much as Max was getting on my nerves, I voted for Jo. She was all talk about the challenge, but she fell asleep and costed us the challenge."

"You all will lose without me!!!! I was the strongest player here!!!!!" Jo yelled while in the toilet. Chris just smirked.

"No way! Ain't no one stronger than the Lightning!" Lightning exclaimed while making poses. Jo started gagging.

Chris then flushed Jo away. Jo was yelling the whole time. After she was flushed, the villains all went back to their cabin. While the heroes went to the spa hotel.

"I can't believe we have to stay in these crummy cabins." Courtney said as she walked into the girls cabins, rolling her luggage with her.

"So, this is where y'all slept in?" Sugar asked.

"Yeah, blondie" Anne Maria said while spraying her hair.

"Well, I'm going to bed." Eva stated as she crawled into bed.

"Wait, shouldn't we work on some team bonding? We ARE a team." Sky said making all the girls look at her and laugh.

Scarlett managed to sneak out of the cabin.

Courtney and Heather were talking, Eva decided to start working out, Anne Maria was spraying her hair, Amy and Sugar were filing their nails and Sky was trying to sleep.

Confessional- Scarlett
"It's a logical choice to ask Dave what's going on between him and Noah and Cody. Dave seems to be sad and will find comfort in anyone. Sure, I'll have to show emotions to him, but after I'll find out everything I need!"


"Great, back to sleeping on rocks." Scott said while laying down on his bed.

"Settle down, dirt boy. We'll be back in the spa hotel." Duncan said as he started sharping his knife.

"Time to go find an evil lair!!! Mwhaha!" Max exclaimed as he left the cabin. All the boys just rolled their eyes at him.

"What is wrong with him?" Alejandro asked. All the boys shrugged their shoulders.

Confessional- Max
"These so called villains aren't even close to being as evil as me! Soon they'll all fear me!!!"

Confessional- Alejandro
"Max is a strange one. But he can be easily manipulated. I better get to him before someone else does."

Total Drama All Stars Edition 2 Where stories live. Discover now