Chapter One (Alex's POV)

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"Games start in 3, 2, 1, 0!" The canon blasted and I ran towards the center. Fili yelled and screamed for me to come back, but didn't follow me. I grabbed a backpack and fumbled around for a bow and sword. Tributes shoved past me but didn't seem to care about me being there.

I shoved the weapons in my bag when a shiny dagger caught my eye. Not just any dagger, but Fili's dagger. I raced at it and grabbed it, running for the woods. I was nearly there and saw a flash of golden hair that had to be my brother. Rushing the woods I felt an arrow pierce my side. Gasping I tumbled through a bush and into the woods, grasping my side.

"Alex!" Fili yelled as he ran at me. He picked me up and ran into the woods. I could feel the shaft sticking into my lower back. Fili set me down gently and I took off the backpack.

"You know what's coming next." Fili said as he gripped the arrow shaft. I fumbled around looking for something to grab. Fili didn't wait and tugged the arrow out of my side.

"AHH-mmm," I groaned in pain, trying not to scream. "Not th-the worst t-time." I said, shuddering slightly thinking about the bloody battle we had just won a month or so before. "How do you think...Kili and Thorin are? Ah!" I yelped as Fili tightened the bind on my wound.

Fili sighed unhappily and finished binding my side. "I don't know how they're doing. I don't even know if they noticed yet." I nodded sadly.

There was a cracking sound and Fili and I were on our feet in an instant. I rummaged in the bag and tossed him his dagger and a sword. I threw on a quiver and a bow and took out a sword an dagger. Fili put the bag on his back. We went back to back as the bushes rustled around us.

"Who's there!" I shouted. Lowering my sword slightly I said in a rough voice, "Come out and talk. We don't need to fight." The bushes rustled on Fili's side and two people stepped out.

They must've been humans because they looked down on Fili and I. "What are you?" The boy asked. I huffed indignantly and sheathed my sword. These two weren't going to be a problem.

"Shouldn't the question be who we are, not what?" Fili asked in an injured tone.

The girl punched the boy in the shoulder and said, "Sorry. He is quite an idiot sometimes. My name is Annabeth. Seaweed Brain there is Percy."


"And Alex."

"At your service." We said in unison, giving a slight bow. The humans looked at us funny after we bowed. "Where are you two from?" Fili asked.

The Annabeth girl replied, "I'm from Virginia and then my dad moved to Sacremento, California when I was five. When I was seven I ran away an then Luke, Thalia, and Grover brought me to Camp Half-Blood which is in Long Island."

"I'm from New York." Percy said simply. Fili and I shared confused expressions.

"Where is this..." I struggled with the foreign word. "Lo-oong Ilan?"

"Is it near Erebor?" Fili asked.

Now it was Percy and Annabeth's turn to look confused. "You don't know where that is? Are you from Africa or Asia or something?" Percy asked.

Fili's eyes widened and he said, "We are from Middle Earth. You must be from somewhere else." A light of recognition dawned on all of our faces.

"Petrificus Totalus!" A voice shouted. Fili went ridged and extremely pale. He began to fall forward and I caught him before he face planted. I staggered as I caught him. Percy and Annabeth had out there swords as a curly haired girl and a boy with crooked glasses jumped out.

Setting Fili down I drew my sword and had it at the girls neck within a second. "What. Did you do. To. My. Brother!" I screamed at her, pressing harder with my sword.

"Expelliarmus!" The boy yelled and my sword clattered from my hand. "Impedimenta!" He yelled again, pointing a stick at me.

A burst of sparks flared from the stick and everything was black. My skin felt like it was boiling off and I screamed, falling to the ground. I knew that I was awake but my vision was black. The boiling went away, just to be replaced with a deadly frostbite feeling. Was this how it would end for me? Alone, in the dark, my family never knowing where Fili and I went.

*Authors Note*
This story probably won't be too long, it's just a little something I decided to write up. Let me know if you like it!

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