Chapter Four (Fili's POV)

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I awoke suddenly. It was dark outside and I looked around, my eyes half closed. "Ya sure it's safe?" A voice asked in the darkness. It was a boy.

"Of course, Gavin." This time it was Eowyn speaking. "Just calm down."

"He's a psycopath!" The boy, Gavin, said as his voice rose.

Eowyn sighed and shuffled around a bit. "You stole from his sister. Of course he attacked you." They were talking about me. He was scared of me. What had I done?

Gavin whined softly and pouted. "We thought she was dead. Finders keepers." He said indignantly. There was a sharp sound and a gasp. "Did you just slap me?" Gavin said in quiet shock.

"Yes, I did. Now stop being a child and go to sleep."

"But I'm not-" Gavin started to protest.

"Sleep. Now." Eowyn said in a deadly voice. There was grumbling as the boy laid down. I shifted against the tree and looked to my side. Alex wasn't there. I sat up and looked around nervously.

"Hmph." I grunted quietly when I saw her next to the pot of mixing ingredients. She'd be safe there. Laying down on the soft grass I fell back to sleep.

"Fili, Fili! Wake up, would you." My eyes opened and I was staring into Pippin's face. "You sleep like a rock." He said cheerfully.

"How are you always so darn happy?" I asked in a grumbling tone. He shrugged and I sighed.

"I'm going to retch." Hermione said while gagging. Her hair was super frizzy and she was stirring something that looked horribly unappetizing in the pot.

"What is that smell?" The new girl from the other day asked in a sharp tone.

Harry plugged his nose and said in a nasally voice, "It's a potion to cure Alex."

"And why do we care about curing her?" The girl asked in a rude tone.

Before I could interject Pippin said in an angry voice, "Because she's a friend, and also Fili's sister. We probably wouldn't bother curing you, Raven."

Gavin sat up slowly and raised his fists shakily. "I'd make you help." He said in what he probably thought was a fierce tone. Turns out it sounded like a cross between a warg and a moose.

"Oh, shut up, would you." Hermione said in an annoyed tone. She took a ladle and filled it with some of the goopy substance. She place some of it on Alex's arm then put the ladle back. "A few minutes and she should start to move."

Hermione got up and started waving her wand around, muttering spells under her breath. I saw a milky substance form a dome around the group, and then fade into the background.

I got up and walked over to her. "Thank you for helping Alex." I said in a quiet voice.

She looked at me and said, "Anytime." She walked away and I observed the group. There were quite a few of us now. Percy and Annabeth from the Long Island place. Harry and Hermione from Hogwarts. Gavin and Raven from who knows where, and then Pippin and Eowyn from Middle Earth as well. I caught Gavins' eye and he gave me a nasty look.

"Gah!" There was a yell and I jumped as Alex stumbled to her feet. "What the...where, where, where..." She started mumbling and clutched her face.

Running over to her I took her hands from her eyes and asked, "Alex, it's okay." Her eyes were wide with fear and she looked to the skies. I fumbled around and grabbed her sword. "Here. I'll get your bow." She looked at the sword and grabbed it, looping the strap around her waist she secured the sword. I handed her the bow and arrows, but she was looking at the sky again.

"Something's coming." She murmured, then grabbed the bow and arrows. "Be ready. When it comes, all hell will break loose." As she finished speaking an ear splitting shriek cut through the air. A streak of black and then, Wham! a ball of light exploded on the protective spells Hermione had set, completely destroying them.

Everyone was up and gathering their supplies as the creature streaked by again and a ball of light exploded in the middle of camp. "Run! There's no fighting this monster!" Annabeth yelled then took off into the woods with Percy.

"Alex! Alex!" I screamed her name as the fire spread rapidly.

Hermione grabbed my arm, "We have to go!" She pulled me away from the fire as she ran after Harry, Pippin, and Eowyn. Glancing over my shoulder I saw the hazy outlines of Gavin and Raven struggling away from the fire.

We were a good distance from the fire when we all fell to the ground to catch our breath. My head was in my hands and I made a quiet choking noise. "Did anyone see Alex?" I asked in a strangled voice. They all looked at their feet and shook their heads. She's dead. My sister is dead. The thought circled through my mind as I stood up. "We should keep going." I said in a cold, hard voice. It kind of shocked me that the rough, angry voice came from me.

"I'm sorry, Fili." Harry said sadly as he got up. "There is the chance she made it." I blinked hard in order to not cry and looked away from the group.

I shook my head. "No. She's dead. End of story. Let's go." Everyone got up and followed me as I trudged into the dark forest. Nothing would ever be the same for me. I was no longer the caring, kind me. That had died with Alex.

*Authors Note*

Muahahahahaa! Plot twist! Try to imagine what that terrifying beast could have been. Hint hint the picture above hint hint. Well, I hope you like the suspense, and don't kill me! What? Too soon? Oh don't worry just wait for the next update. More mystery characters coming your way!

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