Chapter Three (Fili's POV)

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Run. Run. Run. That was all I was thinking. Had to get back to the group. Need to get help. I burst into the clearing and huffed out, "River. Help. Alex."

Everyone jumped to their feet and followed me as I ran back to the river. There were growls and screaming and I ran faster towards the river where my sister was.

"Fili! Don't go running into danger!" Harry yelled from behind me. Ignoring him I saw the river and ran faster. Drawing my sword I saw a huge snake dive into the water.

"Don't look into its eyes! Whatever you do, avoid the eyes of the Basilisk!" Hermione screamed in terror as the serpent burst back out of the water. A fierce looking girl was firing arrows at the Basilisk, but had to dive out of the way as it came down to smash her.

"Incendio!" Hermione and Harry both yelled at the same time. Percy spread his hands and a portion of the river lifted out. Fire poured from the wands and the Basilisk hissed in anger, slithering towards us. I looked away so I didn't see its eyes. There was a roar and water went flying everywhere.

Looking up cautiously I saw the Basilisk caught up in a swirling ball of water about ten feet off the ground. Percy was sweating in exertion from controlling the water. All of the water sloshed down as Percy fell to the ground. Running forward I yelled out and stabbed one of the Basilisks' eyes, hoping to blind it. It made a gurgling sound as I ripped my sword out and went for the other eye...just to find an arrow protruding from it. One of Alex's arrows.

The Basilisk recovered and slammed me backwards. I smashed into a tree and grunted as all the air was pushed from my lungs. I was still recovering so I surveyed my surroundings. Percy was still on the ground and Annabeth was darting in to slash at the monster with a dagger. Harry and Hermione were yelling spells at the monster. Harry said something like "Accio Sword!" and shining sword flew to his hands. Also, in the distance, a girl was firing at the Basilisk with...with Alex's bow. I clenched my fists in anger and stumbled to my feet.

Running at the girl I dodged the Basilisk and smashed her in the face with the hilt of my sword. She dropped the bow and clutched her head. I raised my sword to stab her but my block was parried away. A boy was pushing back my blow with Alex's sword and was wearing Alex's backpack. I released the force from that blow and ducked as the boys strike flew over my head. Slashing him against the chest he fell to the ground, bleeding heavily. Turning to the girl I was shocked to see her standing and covered in black feathers. She had the bow in hand but had lost the arrows.

"Fili!" A triumphant yell and a crash made me turn from the girl. The Basilisk was on the ground, dead with the rest of the group standing over it happily, even Percy. They saw the girl and boy and looked at me with shocked expressions.

Turning away I took out my dagger and held it to the girls neck. She dropped the bow. "Where did you get these weapons?" I growled.

The girl pointed down river to where a small figure could be seen. "Her. She wasn't moving. Might as well take her stuff." My hand shook and I restrained from cutting the girls throat.

"Give me her stuff back, then get out of here."

"Why should I?" she huffed arrogantly.

I jabbed at her with the dagger and she jumped back. I went after her but was held back as Annabeth and Harry grabbed my arms. "What are you doing! Let me go!" I howled. Percy and Hermioned ran over to the girl and took the weapons from her. They then sat her down next to the boy and started treating both of their wounds.

"Calm it Fili." Annabeth grunted. "They didn't do anything."

I stopped struggling and Annabeth and Harry released me. The second they let go of me I bolted to Alex's figure. "Stop!" Harry yelled out. They pursued me as I knelt down next to my sister. Turning her over I saw a look of pure horror on her frozen face. Harry let out a little sigh as he saw her.

"What happened to her?" I asked in a shaky voice. "She-she isn't dead, is she?"

Harry shook his head, "No, not dead. Just paralyzed. Hermione managed to get some healing ingredients from the Cornucopia. Let's get Alex over there and see if she can help."

I nodded solemnly and picked up Alex. She looked so helpless. Just like 60 years ago, when she was horribly injured after the battle. As we walked I took in all of the visible scars from that battle. Her missing finger. The huge scar across her face from a crooked dagger. The bandage wrapped around her side from the recent arrow wound.

Camp was at the edge of the forest and Hermione was seeing to injuries. She pulled out a small square of food and held it up for everyone else to see. "Anyone know what this is?" I shook my head and looked back at Alex, who was still paralyzed.

"Don't eat that." Annabeth said as she saw the food. "That's ambrosia, and only demigods can eat it. If anyone else ate it they'd dissolve into ashes." Hermione hurriedly put the square away. She pulled out a small pot and started pilling up ingredients.

Getting up I walked over to Hermione. "Are you getting together the-"

"Yes," She said, interrupting me midsentence, "It takes a little while to make the potion. Just wait, alright?"

"Okay." I mumbled, then walked back over to Alex. Wait to go Fili. You got yelled at by a human child. Leaning back against the tree I closed my eyes, not thinking I'd be able to fall asleep. I was wrong again and fell asleep within seconds.

*Authors Note*

I hope you're enjoying the story! Please follow and comment so I know that I should continue with it. Oh yeah, in the first chapter the picture is of Alex and Fili. The second chapter picture is Percy on the top right, Annabeth on the top left, Harry on the bottom right, and Hermione on the bottom left. For this chapter it's Pippin on the top left, Eowyn on the top right, the unnamed boy who Fili went after on the bottom left, and the unnamed girl on the bottom right. They're names will be revealed in the next chapter. Well, that's all I have to say. Alex out! Peace!

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