Chapter Two (Alex's POV)

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The pain stopped and I began to see fuzzy outlines of shapes. Everything came into focus and I could see the girl and boy who had attacked us conversing with Percy and Annabeth. Looking around I saw Fili still frozen solid.

Jumping up suddenly I scared the other tributes. "What did you do to my brother?" I asked in a trembling voice. I tried to control my shaking but couldn't. After everything we had gone through, I couldn't deal with this.

The poofy haired girl cringed slightly and said with a slight accent, "I used a spell on him. It makes you go completely rigid. He can still breath, see, and hear fine. The spell should be gone any minute now." I narrowed my eyes at her and walked over to where my brother had been laid down.

I realized I was fully armed. They probably didn't expect a little girl to fight back against them. Fili stirred slightly and his hand moved a bit. He eventually regained full use of his limbs and stumbled to his feet.

"Why did you do that?" He asked angrily, pointing at the poofy haired girl.

She huffed and threw her hands in the air. Fili and I both jumped back, expecting her to send a spell at us. She just sighed and said, "I panicked, alright! It was just a little spell."

The boy with the crooked glasses smiled, "Did you just admit you panicked, Hermione?"

"Oh shut up, Harry." She complained.

"Who are you!" I yelled, pointing at the two tributes. I was fingering my knife nervously.

Annabeth stepped forward cautiously. "That is Hermione," She said, pointing to the girl. "And that's Harry." She pointed to the boy. She turned to Harry and Hermione, "That's Alex," She pointed to me, "That's Fili." She pointed to Fili.

We all stayed wary of each other, leaving Annabeth and Percy as the go between.

Hermione started fiddling with one of the little sticks, muttering something like "lumos" under her breath. The stick emit a little light and I watched as it continued to glow.

"Is that some kind of fire?" I asked her. She jumped slightly and muttered something, making the little light go off.

"No, it's a spell."

"So...magic? Are you an elf?" I asked confusedly. As far as I knew wizards were only boys, like Gandalf or Radaghast. So she'd have to be an elf. Although I thought elves just used magic. Maybe the little sticks were a secret?

She looked hurt at the second question. "Of course I'm not an elf! I'm a witch, and Harry is a wizard. We went to Hogwarts."

Now it was my turn to look confused. "Hm...where in from, witches are evil. And there aren't many of them. Although I do know a few wizards."

"Well, most witches and wizards have good intentions."

I rubbed my side where I got shot then asked, "Could I maybe try...try to use some magic?"

Hermione looked surprised. "Uh, sure." She picked up the stick and handed it to me. I held it awkwardly as she positioned my hand. "Flick the wand in that direction." She pointed away from the group.

I flicked my wrist and a shower of red sparks burst out of the wands' tip. My eyes widened as the sparks dissipated. Hermione nodded, "Try saying lumos." She suggested.

Holding the wand carefully I said, "Lumis." Nothing happened.

"Pronounce it clearer." She took the wand and said, "Lumos!" The end of the wand glowed with the little white light. "Try again."

I practiced the word in my head a few times. "Lumos!" I said, enunciating just like Hermione. A weak light shown at the end of the wand. I cracked a small smile and handed the wand back to Hermione. "That's pretty cool." Was all I said.

Night had fallen and Percy, Annabeth, Hermione, and Harry were asleep. Fili and I huddled together away from the group. "We need to get out of here." Fili muttered. I nodded.

"Just a second." I crept towards the group and grabbed my backpack from the beginning of the games. Sneaking back to Fili we crept off into the woods.

We started running through the woods, trying to put as much distance between us and the group.

After running for ten minutes we slowed down. The trees had gone from being thick oaks, to tall, skinny pines. Looking around there were pounding foot steps. I took out my bow and cocked an arrow. Out of the brush burst two people I never thought I'd see again.

"Pippin?" I asked as he and Eowyn burst out of the brush.

"Oh, hello Alex and Fili," Pippin said cheerfully.

Eowyn was out of breath as she huffed, "We are being chased by a horde of orcs, so RUN!" She screamed. We all took off as the pounding and grunting got louder.

"This way!" Fili yelled, steering is back the way we came.

"Fili," I huffed out, "you're leading us towards-"

"The group. I know." He said.

I drew and arrow and stopped running. "Keep going! I'll catch up!" I yelled to the others. As the first orc came around the tree I fired an arrow straight through its skull. Taking down three more in that fashion I turned and started running again.

Hermione burst from the bushes with the rest of the group behind her. "Duck!" She yelled to me then screamed, "Reducto!" Throwing myself to the ground the spell wizzed over my head. I heard an orc blow up behind me.

"Gul! Gul!" An orc screamed in Black Speech as I got to my feet. I parried a blow with my sword and kicked the orc back.

Fili, Pippin, Eowyn, Percy, and Annabeth burst into the clearing, weapons out. About twenty orcs had us surrounded as we slashed at them furiously.

"Agh!" Annabeth yelled in pain and I spun around. She had gotten slashed by a sword, but it wasn't too bad. Spinning back around I was met by an orc thrusting a sword at my stomach. I dodged to the side and sliced off its head.

All the orcs were dead and Percy and Annabeth were panting. "What were those?" Percy asked as he caught his breath.

"Orcs." Eowyn said simply. "Nasty creatures." The rest of us from Middle Earth nodded. Orcs were an every day thing for us.

"Well. That was interesting." I said, clapping my hands together. "I'm gonna go hunting. Maybe I'll find a deer."

"Or more orcs." Fili muttered. "I'll come with you." He said. I was going to protest but he had that stubborn look in his eyes.

I sighed, "Fine. Let's go." We walked slowly into the forest. This time, we went the opposite direction of where the orcs came from.

There was a gurgling sound and my eyes went wide. Water. I ran towards the noise and found a huge river. Running towards it I cupped some water in my hands and took a sip. There was a loud hissing noise and I looked at the water. A ripple spread across it as something stirred in it.

"Fili get help!" He took off into the woods back towards camp. He would get there faster than me because of my injury. I stayed completely still as the ripples stopped. I breathe four a sigh of relief.

"HIIIISSSSSS!" A huge serpent burst from the water and I saw huge, yellow eyes in the reflection of the river before I could move back. I felt my body go ridged and I gasped in shock as the yellow eyes sent a paralyzing shock through my body.

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