Chapter 2: where are you?

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It's been a day since mom and dad weren't home after school. I wonder where they are. I'm worried.
Yes I am back in my house and Lilith and Axel are staying with us to make sure we're ok.

"Hey ash- are you alright?" Lilith asks

"I'm just worried about my parents. Its been a day since they left or just never came back..." I say folding my knees to my chest

She was quiet for a minute then left me alone. She knows when I'm upset I need alone time. Sometimes. Just then I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say

"Hey Ash..." Axel says closing the door.

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be with Kai?" I asked surprised and yet I was flattered that he came to see me.

"I was but I wanted to make sure you were ok too." He says sitting down next to me
"Are you ok?" He asks

"I don't know. My parents have never been gone this long. It's like half of me is gone." I say, hugging my knees tighter

"Hey it'll be alright. I'm sure they'll come back." He says putting a hand on my shoulder

I sit up against him. I didn't care if I was blushing or if he was, or if he didn't want me to do that. I needed it. I felt him tense up and then put his arm around me as he held me there. I soon drifted off to sleep.

As Ash drifted off to sleep, I looked at her. She's absolutely beautiful and I couldn't help myself around her. No I didn't kiss her! Jeez you guys.
I played with her hair for a bit. Then 10 minutes later I picked her up and put her in her bed.
One day Ash....I will tell you how I feel...

I can tell Axel likes my sister. He stuttered around her and even left as his sister Lilith cane and told me if she was ok. I knew she probably would start crying if I walked in there, but I'm upset too. So she's not alone. I just hope he tells her soon or else someone else will either tell her about his feelings or someone else will like her.

I feel sorry for Ash and Kai. I miss their parents too. But they're their kids, so they always miss their mom and dad. I know Ash needs her space, but she also needs comfort. So I thought Kai would do that, but instead it was my brother, Axel. Which is strange of him to do. Is he finally realizing that he has feelings for her?

~The next morning~
I wake up to my phone going off.
How did I get in my bed?
I ignore that thought for now and grab my phone to see why my phone was going off.
I see 109 text messages and 100 missed calls, along with the 100 voicemails. I go through the messages first.
Text from Ella:
E: Lilith told me what happened, I didn't know if you wanted to tell me or not but I'm still here for you. I'm trying to keep everyone calm about you, Kai, Lilith, and Axel all being out from school. Text me when you want to talk.
I smile at Ella's message and scroll down to next one
Text from Lyla:
Ly: hey I haven't heard from you in a while. Or seen you at school. Everything ok?
I scroll down to the next one
Text from Nekoette:
N: hey Ash~sempi! I hope your doing ok! I haven't seen you at school. Come back soon!
Text from Dimitri:
D: hey why isn't Kai answering his phone? And where have you guys been? Everyone's worried about you guys.
Text from Terrance:
T: um, why aren't you guys at school??
Text from Leo:
Leo: I haven't seen you guys in homeroom. Come to school. No skipping school!
I smile, he's such a nerd
That's all the messages I feel like going through. I get out of bed and go down stairs to find something to eat.
As I'm walking down the stairs, I hear different voices I don't think I recognized. I cautiously walked down the stairs and into my kitchen. I don't remember them at all. There were 4 girls and 4 boys.
They looked like Ella, Terrence, Nekoette, Dimitri, Lyla, Leo, Lilith and Axel.
I tried to get a water bottle but I dropped it. They looked at me and then the short one who looked like Lilith, came up to me.
"Hey Ash. I know you may not remember me but we are trying to find Adeline and Aaron." She says
Wait...Adeline and Aaron are my parents names...who are these people?
"Who are you? How do you know me and my parents?" I ask backing away from them with fear
I turn around to see Lilith
"Lilith? Who are these people?" I ask, scared
"That's my mom. My dads over there, the blonde haired guy." She says pointing at them
"You might've been young when you met them. It's ok, you don't need to be scared." She adds
"I can trust you?" I ask the group

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