Chapter 6: her eyes

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The picture will go with the story! You just have to read that far in order to understand. Don't play music until told!
~winter fox

*the next day*
I wake up and stare at the top of the tent.
I get out of bed, get dressed and brushed my hair. I then walk out of the tent to see what everyone was doing. I only saw Axel.


"Hey" he says smirking

"Hey" I say playing with a strand of hair

I sit down and look at the sky.

I then look at Axel, who I think has been staring at me for a while

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I then look at Axel, who I think has been staring at me for a while. I immediately blush.

"So, um, where's Kai and Lilith?" I ask

"Come with me." He says getting up and giving me his hand

I take his hand as he helped me up, but instead of letting it go, he kept holding it. He then took me to the tent the guys were supposed to be staying. He opens it up a bit.

"Poke your head inside." He says

I poke my head in there and see...KAI AND LILITH SLEEPING TOGETHER?!!!!!!!! WHAT?!
I immediately take my head out and close the tent.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" I ask whisper yelling

"I asked the same question to myself. Although, i saw it coming." He says sitting under a tree

I didn't even know what to say or do. I just kept walking back and forth. Forwards and back. Whatever you wanna say. Just then, a hand grabs mine.

"Stop. Your making me worry cuz you're worried. It's alright." He says pulling me to sit down next to him.

"Ughhhh this isn't what I wanted to happen if they ever did tell each other that they have feelings for each otherrrrrr" I whined

"Calm down Ash"

"How can I? And how are you so calm!"

"Because it was obvious."

"I'm going to go in there and beat Kai up! My Irene! I might as well!" I say getting up

Ugh...why is she such a hothead? It's kinda cute though...
I pull her down to sit on my lap.
Not what you wanted to happen, eh? Well, that's what I did. So deal with it.
As she tensed up, I played with her hair. It seemed to calm her down a bit. So I kept playing with it.
*sigh* what am I going to do with you ash...

I sit up and yawned. I then looked around the tent and saw...Kai? What's he doing here? I don't remember....

"So, Lilith. I want to ask you something." He says
"Sure! What is it Kai?"

"Well...I have feelings for you Lilith. Ever since we were kids. But I knew you had a few boyfriends, like Ash, who treated you poorly."

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