Chapter 5: confession

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I'm in a place...everything is white.

"W-where am I...?"

"Hello Ash"

I turn around. I see someone else in my dreams...weird.


"No. My name is Zoey. I knew your mother when she was little and now I'm here, looking at everyone."

"My mom hasn't said anything about you though...she would tell me and Kai stories of adventures..."

"With the trees and other stuff? I was with her through those adventures. She still must be mourning over me after what happened."

"What DID happen?"

"Ash..."  a faded voice says

"I'm afraid we cannot. Maybe another time. I'll see you later. Tell Adeline and Aaron I said hi and I miss them." She says fading away

"WAIT!" I say sitting up in my sleeping bag

"Ash! What happened? Are you ok?!" Lilith says coming in my tent

"I-um...I'm fine." I say

....was that really a dream?

"Anyways. Get your things ready. We're gonna head out soon." She says getting up

"We're still finding my parents right?"

"What else can we do? Do you think I'd let you go back home feeling useless and being yelled by my parents and everyone else? No. Of course we're going to find your parents. Now, get ready." She says leaving the tent

After she leaves I get up and get my things ready.

—10 minutes later—

We got our things together and started walking. Since me, Kai, and Axel are fast walkers Lilith has to ride on Kai's back. They were both blushing so bad, it was cute.
I smile to myself.

"Why are you smiling to yourself?" Axel asks looking at me

"Hm? Oh nothing. Just seeing both Kai and Lilith happy, makes me happy. Even if they like each other, but haven't told each other yet." I say

"Hm. I guess that is something to be happy about." He says

I can't tell her...can I? I mean, this is the right time since we're talking about something similar about it. Ugh fuck it. I'm going to tell her. It's good that Kai and Lilith are ahead of us.

"So, Ash..." I start off

"Ya?" She says

"I'm not sure if this is the right time to say this but-"

"Hey guys we're gonna stop here!" Lilith says interrupting him


I may not be able to tell her after all...

Axel was about to tell me something but he got interrupted by Lilith. I feel whatever he had to say would've been important...oh well, I'll ask him about it later. I help set up camp. It didn't take that long, since the guys did most of the work. I did too, but Lilith...she gets tired easily sooo ya.
Anyways, we settled down and Lilith started the camp fire. Thankfully, I had some string and I found a stick, so I made a bow an arrow so I could hunt for food. It took me 5 minutes to find food for me to kill. I killed a rabbit. As much as I feel bad for killing the rabbit, it's our way of surviving. I made my way back to camp holding the rabbit behind me. I see everyone's talking and having fun. I smile.
I've missed this...

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