weak; 08

333 10 7

⟩ Real life events are being told out of order. Trigger warning ahead, I don't want to give it away, but if you get triggered easily, overlook this chapter. ⟨

"I'm telling you... I've got him wrapped around my finger so well Bethany.." Maggie couldn't help the smirk on his face. Zion stopped in his tracks, he knew it but when he would try to tell Brandon, the other would shame him for doing so, especially with him being pregnant himself. Zion was always agitated with the girl, and here he was getting the satisfaction he needed to know he was right. He made sure the phone was connected to his AirPods when he FaceTimed Brandon, the other kept asking questions, but he was silenced by the words of Maggie revealing her plan.

"What the fuck, Maggie?" Brandon yelled out, he was walking away from his dressing room and storming towards her. Even Zion had to jump and cover his baby bump, he had never heard Brandon with that kind of tone and anger behind it, he'd have to admit he was a little scared. He looked around, noticing that the set crew were starting to onlook at the situation, Zion didn't want the situation escalating. He rushed over to the pale Maggie and red with anger Brandon, "B, you made your point... It's not worth getting worked up over."

Brandon held his glare as he backed away from Maggie, letting Zion usher him away. Zion was exhausted, he made his point, but it was upsetting all those times Brandon shamed him and he was right. He only had a few minutes to pull it together before getting onstage and performing in front of thousands of fans. It was nerve wracking, their first show of the tour, and Zion was close to his eight months, but everyone was so amazing with accommodating for Zion.

⟩ ⟨

"That show was straight fire."

Brandon exclaimed as he dried himself off after stepping out the shower. Once he was dry, Zion was assisted out of the shower himself and Brandon helped dry him off. Zion hummed in agreement, his eyes heavily hooded. The other chuckled at him, but a sharp sense of guilt hit him, "I'm sorry baby..." Brandon genuinely admitted as he slipped his shirt onto the dreadheads body, "Brandon, you've apologized enough..."

"Eh, I know, but it still doesn't feel like it's enough." Brandon admitted, Zion would've responded but the pain that shot through his body made him cry out instead and clutch onto Brandon. The poor four-eyed boy was clueless as to what was going on, panic slowly sitting in as he acted quickly, but first he needed to know what was wrong.

"I don't know what's going on Brandon, something's wrong, something's wrong." Zion started, and although he wanted to freak out along with him, he had to be the glue to at least keep it together until they got to the hospital. There wasn't time to get Zion the rest of the way dressed, luckily he had on a shirt and it was long enough. Brandon picks up Zion and carries him to the car, careful to cover the seat in case Zion's water broke.

The car ride was quiet, Zion's heavy breathing and sudden cries was the only thing keeping it from being dead quiet. Once they got to the hospital, Brandon went to pick up Zion, but he paused when he saw the towel ... stained in red. The panic was shooting through the roof, he picked up Zion and rushed into the E.R. Zion slowly growing exhausted from the pain.

⟩ ⟨

"Baby, it's going to be okay. Just sit back and at least rest." Zion looked at him with wide brown eyes glistening, and his bottom lip slightly sticking out as he gripped Brandon's hand.

"Mr. Arrega, can I speak to you?" The doctor asked, Brandon nodded, standing but giving Zion a quick kiss before following her.

"I'm sorry to say ... But it seems as though Caleb's body is attacking the baby. There's no way both of them can make it in this scenario." She said softly.

Brandon's breath caught in his throat, God ... How was he gonna tell Zion? The fact he had to deliver this to Zion rather than something about a healthy baby was just painful, but he had to be the glue. After seeing if there was any and every way to save the baby, he had to accept it, unfortunately.

He's stepping back into the room, his face must've said a lot because Zion's brows furrow before he's sobbing, "I had a feeling ... Something's wrong isn't it?" He can barely get out between sobs. Brandon rushes over, immediately pulling Zion close to him, "I'm sorry babe ... The baby's not going to make it." Brandon finally choked out. Zion cries harder, clutching onto Brandon harder.

Minutes later and Zion's in unbearable pain, the nurse's button is pressed and almost in a flash there's a bunch of scurrying and urgency. Zion's body was terminating the pregnancy, he needed to deliver the baby or he'd end up in a seriously dangerous state. The delivery was complicated and took a while, but they  both had the smallest amount of hope their baby would make it. They said he was out, but there weren't any cries filling the room, except for Zion's grieving one's as Brandon tearfully comforted him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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