Chapter 1

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[Amelia lived in the city of carcer,she came back home from university after a long stressful day]

She ran into her room, and and jumped on her bed exhausted,and fell asleep.
She suddenly woke up as she heard someone yelling her name from the kitchen,
[Amelia sighed and looked at the clock]
OLIVIA'S BACK!??!? (she said)

["Olivia" Amelia's cruel guardian who picked her up from a foster home at a very young age,and works from 10am to 9pm at a cafe]

She hurried towards the kitchen..
"Amelia,What were you doing the whole day since you came back from your stupid university"(olivia yelled).

Amelia replied.."Olivia,uhh..I..I actually was really sleepy so...uhh i planned to sleep for sometime but i lost track of time and..uhh....

Olivia cut off Amelia and spoke
"And you irresponsibly slept like a lazy ass for hours & hours.."

Amelia replied,"look Olivia,I'm sorry okay.!??"and she went to clean the hall ignoring the further conversation..

After cleaning the whole house Amelia
went to Olivia's room...
But she saw Olivia sleeping

So she went to her room really exhausted,switched off the lights and tried to sleep but she wasn't able to sleep as she had enough sleep in the afternoon,so she picked up her phone and messaged Evelyn....
"Are you awake!?"
(Luckily she messaged back)
"well,yeah...but why are you awake, its almost"
Suddenly Amelia's phone started ringing and found out it was Evelyn so she picked up the phone and started talking...

Evelyn:Hey..why are you still awake

Amelia:Hey,actually i had a 3 hour 
               peaceful nap!!

Evelyn:Ohh,so late night plans..!??!

Amelia:Not exactly,i was way too bored
               so i messaged you!

Evelyn:Uhh,tomorrow there's a concert
              at the "troublemaker stadium"
              and do you know who is gonna

Amelia:I don't,but your tone says
              It's gonna be your favourite


Amelia:Knew it,

Evelyn:I took 2 tickets for both of us,
             Please say that you are coming!?

Amelia:Yeah,ofcourse,actually i also
             needed a break from this day to

Evelyn:That's my best friend ,meet me
             at 5 pm and "DONT BE LATE!"


[In the afternoon]
The stadium was so crowded,
And all the girls shouting out loud
Evelyn said"Look at him,he is so...."
Attractive...(Amelia answered cutting off Evelyn's sentence while staring at Adrian...
Evelyn replied "Waitt,AMELIA DAVIS is
day dreaming about a guyyyyyyyyy"
"Evelyn, uhh it's nothing"Amelia said
"Ohh really!!?!? I mean look at him,he is everything a girl would ever want!
Evelyn replied in a seductive voice
"Evelyn,you're so dead right now" Amelia replied
(Sunday morning,As Olivia was having an early morning shift,she left..
and Amelia was sleeping peacefully until someone rang the door bell)

Amelia sighed fluttering her eyes open & headed towards the door..

She opened the door to find out there was a man standing in front of her.

I invited him in and offered a seat
"Amelia Smith!??"he asked

"Uhh..actually it's Amelia Davis "

"That seems to be your guardian's last name"he replied

Amelia was shocked,she said...

"Wait Amelia,I'll answer all your.    questions but first i need you to know that I am you father best friend,LUKE WILSON and also his business partner..
I was searching for you since a month"
Luke said.

(Hey there...I hope you like the first chapter!PLEASE DONT MIND THE MISTAKES AS I'M A NEWBIE
vote and comment if you like it!)


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