Chapter 7

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Evelyn: Hey.

Amelia: Hey, how are you?

Evelyn:I'm Fine,just missing you!

Amelia:Even,I'm missing you.

Evelyn:Since you left,I'm so bored.

Amelia:We'll meet soon then.


Amelia:By the way,I wanted to talk to
you about something.

Evelyn:Go on,I'm listening.

(Amelia explained her all the details)

Evelyn:Dumbo! Who cries over their
first kiss and when the kisser is
Adrian Wilson.

Amelia:I know Evelyn but this isn't
good,what if luke comes to
know about everything.

Evelyn:Relax, was just one
kiss...Why are you so terrified?

Amelia:Because,Uhh...I'm attracted to

Evelyn:I knew it...Look,that's not your
fault that you are attracted
to him and he kissed you. You
didn't. So stop blaming yourself.

Amelia: But I'm so confused. Sometimes
he just acts so rude and another
moment he kisses me.
What does that even mean?

Evelyn:That means, He likes you but he
Don't want you to know about

Amelia:That's weird.

Evelyn: See, boys don't like rejection,so
they act out like they aren't
interested until girl give them a

Amelia:okay,So now you are a walking
boyish encyclopedia!

Evelyn: All that matters is that I'm your

Amelia:Thanks 'bestfriend',love ya.

Evelyn:Anytime. Don't forget that you
owe me one.

Amelia:I won't, Bye!


(Amelia disconnected the call)


I was pretty bored being at home so i went to a library instead!

I took one book and started reading it!

Suddenly my phone started ringing so I went out and looked at the phone but it was an unknown number so I picked it up.

Voice over phone:Hey.

(I knew who it was.)

Amelia:Hey,where did you get my
number from?

(He again ignored my question)

Voice:Cut the crap out and come down

Amelia: I'm not at home,Why??

Voice:I know you are at the library and
now if this confirmation session
is done,can you please come

Amelia:What!??Are you stalking me?

(He ignored my question again)

Voice:Amelia I said come down,that's
what matters.

Amelia:I won't, you can't just order me!

Voice:Is it so?

Amelia:yes. It is.

Voice: If you don't come down in five
minutes,I'll come there and grab
you in my arms and take you.

Amelia:No need to threaten me, I'll

(I said irritatedly)

Voice:Good girl.

(I disconnected the call,packed my stuff and rushed down)

(I was pissed )

I went to down and say the familiar red sports car.I went over to see Adrian sitting inside listening to songs.

(He lowered the glass)

"Get in" Adrian said.

(I giggled and said)
"So you think I'm gonna get into this car of yours?NO WAY."

"You don't have any other option."He said.

"I do,and I can go to the library again and continue reading my book."I said.

"Well,you want to do that?Go ahead."
Adrian said.

(I was surprised that for at least once Adrian agreed to let me do what I wanted and I turned and started going back towards the library.
Suddenly Adrian came from behind and carried me in his arms taking me back to the car.I tried to get back on my feet but he didn't let me.)

"Let go of me" I said.

"Oh,I would"
(He said,dropping me on the passenger seat,tightening my seat belt and getting in the car)

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