Chapter 9

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We both reached home and went straight towards our rooms to freshen up.

Soon,it was dinner time.

I went for dinner and sat on my seat with everyone but Amelia wasn't there.

Few minutes later Amelia sat on her chair (next to me).

"So Amelia, are you getting along with your new routine.'' Dad asked.

"Pretty much" I said.

"If you need something or any of my children 'specifically boys' trouble you ,let me know" Luke said.

"Actually,I like all of them. (I said looking towards Adrian)
We're all getting along and none of them trouble me ,they all are really amazing and supportive."
(I said while me and Adrian exchanged a playful look. While I saw Adrian trying hard to supress a wide grin off his face .)

"I'm glad that they indeed are good hosts." Luke said.

"Dad,actually I'm going to play football after dinner."Wyatt said.

"Even I'm going to one of my friend's house." Nora said.

"What about you ,Adrian?" Luke asked.

"Yup,I'm leaving tomorrow,I'll be back late at night " Adrian said.

"So Adrian,how are the gigs coming along,I heard that you are pretty much working really harder these days."
Luke asked.

"Come on dad ,like you really care." Adrian scoffed.

(I was really trying hard to know what's the deal with both of them as they weren't even looking at eachother while speaking.)

Soon everyone had dinner and left.

I was really tired after a long day.
So i went to my room,took a shower to freshen up my mind but all I could thing about was Adrian. All I had in my mind was him.

I went to my room took a shower and started writing in my journal. There were a shit ton of things I wanted to vent out on,So I wrote it down.

It was a really long manic day.

Soon, I cleared my things and got in bed.
I turned the lights off but even while trying to sleep all i could think about was Amelia.

The next morning,I got all ready and had my breakfast with the Wilsons'.
While having the breakfast, Wyatt and Nora acknowledged me that they couldn't accompany me to the university as they had some changes in their schedules today.

I was out on my way to the university when I noticed Adrian was in a rush.
As i was getting really late for an important lecture,I decided not to bother him as I knew that he had been working on a song for a past few days.

After the lecture, I realised that i had no other lectures for the day so I decided to go back home and study for the semester ahead.

As I reached home, I went straight up to my room and started studying.

I studied for atleast 3 hours
and then I realized that I was really hungry so I decided to make mac n cheese.
So I went to the kitchen and started preparing mac n cheese.

As i got back from my rehearsal, I was extremely hungry and tired but I would prefer sleeping first as i really was not in the state to cook something from r myself so I decided to take a nap.
I woke up as I heard some noises from the kitchen and decided to check out.

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