{Chapter 1: Hinata's home}

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Hinata pov:
It's been 30 minutes since I got released from that horrid place.

I have been using my photographic memory to find my way back home. I don't think I'm too far away and I should be there within the next hour or so.

~41 minutes later~

This is it. I had finally found my childhood home. It brought back some great, some tough, memories.

I walked past the other apartments and stopped before a door.

I took a deep breathe before ringing the doorbell. It was around 8:00 pm at night so they should still be awake.

Before I knew it, the door opened revealing my twin sister. She hasn't changed one bit, except now she has short hair. She's still as beautiful as ever with her gorgeous, big brown eyes. My thoughts got cut off by a voice.

"Can I help you, sir?"

Right. I forgot I changed quite a bit. I'm more feminine now, not to mention my silver eyes.
"Haruhi.." I whispered.
"H-how do you know my name sir, do I kno-"

I pulled her into a massive hug. I couldn't help it. She was my sister and I hadn't seen her in 11 years. 11 YEARS.

"W-what the hell are you doing?!" She pushed me off of her but it wasn't that violent. She's still the same, caring Haruhi.

"H-Haruhi, it's me." Tears we're now flooding down my cheeks, "I-it's me, Hinata."

She stood there for a few seconds without saying anything, "W-what? No, you can't be! Hinata went missing years ago! There's no way y-he could be alive!" My sister sobbed out.

Before I could reply, I heard a voice. My father's voice to be exact.

"Who is it Haru- Are you crying?!" My father than cane into view and hugged Haruhi.

"D-dad..." more tears were flooding down my already soaked cheeks. I probably looked like a water fountain at this point.

"Um, who are you?"

"Daddy, it's me. Haruhi." I whimpered.

He froze for a moment before speaking with a single tear down his face, "I'm sorry, but we're not up for jokes. That's a serious topic."

He went to close the door but just before it closed, I wedged my foot through the door.

"Please, dad. I-I can prove it! I'll show you my birthmark! A-and I'll answer any of your questions! Just please!... I-I want my family back." I was crying none stop and trying to stop the tears from coming from my eyes.

Haruhi pov:

I couldn't tell if he was lying or not. His eyes were red and puffy and his tears were flooding from his beautiful silver eyes like a waterfall.

He turned around and pulled part of his hospital patient-like outfit down, revealing his left shoulder. And there it was. Hinata's unique heart shaped birthmark.

"H-Hinata...?" I breathed. Now I was crying just as much as him. I reached him into a massive hug. He was the same height as me still but he had gotten a lot more feminine. He was beautiful. The only thing that bothered me were his eyes. W-why are they silver?

I then felt a second body join the hug. My dad was also crying like a tap. I couldn't believe Hinata, the boy who's famous across almost the whole country. (like Madeline, y'know that little girl who went missing, really sad and they still haven't found her 😭🤧) He was over the headlines and everything. I mean, it's not everyday that a four year old boy runs out of a hospital and then goes missing for 11 years.

~11 minutes and 28 seconds later~

Haruhi pov:

"So, w-what happened?" I broke the silence as we were all sitting on the living room sofas.

"Okay. I-I promise everything i say will be true. I know y-you might not believe me but I h-hope you will." Wow. Something really bad must of happened to my poor little Hinata-bear.
Me and my dad nodded, indicating that he should continue.

"W-when I ran from the....h-hospital, I found myself lost in an alleyway. I-I saw a man approaching me and before I knew it, he had put a cloth on my nose and mouth and then all I saw was darkness," M-my poor Hinata.

"When I had woken up, I was in a cell. It was horrible. Dirty and small. It had random objects in it like wires, buttons and sticks.

The man cane into the room and referred to me as '001'. I even.. I even have a tattoo of the same numbers on the back of my neck." I gasped as he showed us a tattoo that was placed in the middle of his neck. I wonder what horrible thing my poor brother had to go through. He's already crying speaking about it and it hasn't even gotten to any abuse or torturous things yet.

He was now sobbing whilst speaking, "t-they would d-do experiments on me because t-they were sss-scientists and I was there first human e-experiment. T-they.... would o-often a-abuse me and there was o-one in particular who- who would.... r-rape me," me and my father were now crying oceans of tears, along with Hinata.

"Nata, you don't have to continue, son." My dad offered to Hinata but he refused.

"No, I-I need to tell you." We both nod and he continues,

"As I said, t-they did experiments on me... 3 of them worked. 3 of them gave me w-weird, yet useful abilities. You may not believe me b-but...
I-I can read minds, I have a photographic memory and I'm a genius." W-what? Is he serious?

"R-really? Are-are you joking Nita?" I asked. I could see my dad was just as shocked as I was.

"I can prove it. What else would explain how I can remember everything that happened to me 11 years ago so well?" He has a point but that doesn't explain the other powers. The ones that were actually unbelievable.

"You can ask me any academic question and I can answer correctly, and for my other power, think of something. Also, you may be wondering about my silver eyes," he's right. I have been. How did he know?

"They changed colour when I got the ability to read minds. I'm not sure how it works though so please don't ask.." wow. I-I don't know if I should believe him or not. I don't know what to say.

"C-can you prove it please, Hinata-bear?" My dad asked my younger, twin brother.

"O-of course." He smiled at us before he asked us to start asking questions and then to think of something weird or something that he wouldn't know about.

After we asked the questions, we checked and he got every single one right and he could answer in less than a second. It was incredible.

And for the mind reading, I thought of the host club. I knew Hinata wouldn't know who the host clubs are but he still got it right and described everybody.

I couldn't believe it. My brother has super natural abilities!

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