Part 3-Into The Unknown

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     "Well, we all better get some sleep. See you all in the morning, I'm going to go check on Elsa." Anna kisses Kristoff and leaves the room to check on her sister. "You guys will be sleeping here, goodnight, stay safe." Kristoff lead us to the room we were sleeping in. "Riku?" Sora grabbed my attention. "Yes?" I asked. "What do you think is gonna happen tomorrow?" He sighed. "I don't know, only time will tell." I replied. "Yeah, I guess so." Sora yawned softly. "Goodnight Riku.." Sora closed his eyes and went to sleep. "Goodnight Sora." I layed down to sleep.

     "Ahh ahhh ah ahhh.." There's the voice again. My eyes fluttered open as it rang in my ears. "Ugh.." I rolled over to try to head back to sleep. "Ahh ahh ahh ahhh..." The voice echoed again. My eyes shot open and I walked around the room. "Everyone I ever loved is here within these wall, I'm sorry secret siren, but I'm blocking all your calls!" I hear Elsa singing in the hallway so I walked out there to check on her. "What do you want, because you've been keeping me awake, are you here to distract me, so I make a big mistake? Or are you someone out there, who knows deep down, I'm not where I'm supposed to be?" I followed Elsa's voice to the outside, I watched her use her ice magic beautifully as it made shapes of a forest of some kind. I chased after her as she ran up onto a rock, and an amazing power shot from my palms.

     "WOAH!" I yelled as ice shot from my hands. Elsa turned around quickly and saw me staring in awe at my hands. Suddenly, thousands of small ice crystals filled the air. "Woah, these have the elements on them. Fire, water, air, and Earth.." After I said that, the ice crystals fell from the sky and onto the ground. "You have the same power as me..I've never seen that before." Elsa told me. "Yeah..that's probably why we both hear the call." I stated. "Yes, but now we just go warn my sister and Sora. "Right." I replied and we ran to the kingdom to warn them.

Our Heart's Past {Soriku}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora