Part Eight: The Fire Spirit

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Me and Elsa chased the little fire across the forest, with it setting everything in it's path on fire. "RIKU, ELSA!!"Sora yelled while chasing us. "RIKU, KEEP ON TRACK!" Elsa caught my attention to the fire. Anna was scooped up by Kristoff and Elsa told him to get her out of here. Suddenly, I hear soft coughing and gasping. I look around, and see Sora fall to the ground, clutching his chest. "SORA!" I turn around and run to my best friend's distress. I pick him up and carry him in my arms and runs to a safe place.

"Sora!" I layed him down as he coughed. "R-Riku.." He responded. "Sora..are you okay?" I asked with immense worry in my tone. "Y-yeah..thanks to you.." He smiles softly. "Thank goodness.." I exhale, letting the breath I was holding go. Me and Sora made our way back to Anna and Elsa. Elsa had a small salamander in her hands. "His name is Bruni." Elsa smiles as she showed Sora her little friend. After, Bruni jumps from Elsa's hands and leads to the north. "You should stay the night here. The Earth giants roam and you'll be crushed by them if you aren't careful."The Northuldra chief warned. "Okay, let's go." I said. We all headed to their camp, and were almost restless. We have to know who that voice is.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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