Chapter 7.

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It was 12.30 and I was currently waiting on my bed nervous for the night to come.

I was too excited for whatever Colby had planned that I hadn't even been bothered to try to get any sleep.
Time seemed to pass slower and slower just because I wanted it to do the opposite. I was staring up at my clock lying upside down on my bed.
*tick tock tick tock*
I waited, and waited and waited until the clock finally said 12.50. I dashed out my open window, already dressed in jeans and a jumper into the dark streets awaiting below.

I took the same route I had taken the night before and it already seemed like it was becoming familiar. Within no time I was walking into the park, an awaiting Colby already in sight.

I pulled out my phone on the walk over to him and checked the time. 01.00 on the dot. I think this was actually the first time I'd been on time for anything.

"Hey" I said, sitting down on the swings. "Hey daisy." Colby replied smirking because he knew that wasn't my name but still chose to use it to wind me up.
We started to swing back and forth, our swings surprisingly in sync.

"Right on time, aren't we?" He said a cocky expression working its way on his face.

"Yeah well I couldn't sleep again, so I needed to get out of the house anyway."

There was no way I was letting him know that I'd been waiting to leave for 3 hours.

"Well don't worry Daisy i'd gladly be your distraction any day." Colby said smiling boyishly.

"Ha ha, well what is it you wanted to show me then?" I asked.
"Right, follow me."
He stood and just like yesterday placed his hand out for me. "M'lady" he said, accentuating his already English accent.

That caused us both to burst out into a fit of laughter. "Why thank you kind sir." I replied copying his accent the best I could as I took his hand.
This sent him back into hysterics. "Your" "accent" he said between breaths. "That's the worst English accent I've ever heard."

I playfully shoved his shoulder. "Hey! It's not that bad." I said, my voice rising letting him know I'm lying.

My accent was definitely that bad.

I'd moved around so much though what did he expect? I didn't really have an accent to be honest, mum was English and dad was french, I hadn't really picked up either of theirs. I was sorta just a neutral voice, I thought at least. Maybe a tad American, since we'd spent so much time travelling around there.

"Yeah right, sure." "Come on we better get going."
He took my hand in his and led me out of the park.

Several minutes later we were still heading to wherever his destination was and my hand was still in his. I didn't know whether he even realized he was still holding it or not, but honestly I didn't mind. I didn't mind at all.

But do I keep it there or not?

Choosing to believe that removing it would just make everything even more awkward than it needed to be, I left it. I mean who wouldn't?.

Eventually we arrived at where I had already guessed we were going. The beach.

"It's really beautiful." I said a little awestruck.
Colby turned to look right at me, an unknown emotion plastering his face, "it really is isn't it."

The beach was exactly the same one I remembered from when I was little. Red sand and tall cliffs surrounding it. We had to walk down this narrow winding path to reach the beach, but the walk was worth the sight.

Although it was the middle of the night, the ocean still glistened with the moonlight upon it, bright enough to light up the whole beach. The stars dotted the sky like paint speckled on a canvas.

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