Chapter 18.

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Colby's POV.

As I was laying in the uncomfortable, creaky bunk bed that I barely fit into, my mind was wirling and my stomach was like a butterfly garden.

I couldn't figure out how to ask Melanie that one question that had plagued my mind for weeks now. From pretty much the first time I met her I had wanted to ask.

Be Mine. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Me and Mel recently had been acting like a couple and whether she noticed it or not I certainly did. Every time she lay her head on my shoulder or placed her delicate, perfect little hands in mine my heart sped up and I swear I felt fireworks. Not just sparks anymore.

She was the first girl I had ever felt like this about. This overwhelming desire to be with her every second of every day.

And maybe it was, no it definitely was far too early but I had this unexplainable feeling that she would be the last. I wouldn't ever feel like this about anyone else again, and I was gonna make sure I seized my one chance at true happiness.

No matter how much I had been made to believe I didn't deserve it.

The only reason I was even here this week was because I knew Theo was spending the week at our aunts and wouldn't be alone with our shitty sperm donor of a father.
I forged his signature on the reply forms and pulled some money from my hidden university fund I had hidden from Dad's greedy grasp. All just to spend a few days 'alone' with Mellie.

And hell if I was gonna make them worth it.
I would ask her tomorrow, I would ask her to give me a chance, a chance to prove myself the best boyfriend on the planet. Something I'd strive to do if she just said yes.

I had it all planned out, on the hike tomorrow I'd take her off route for a bit and pop the question under the canopy of the trees by the lake. It seemed like the perfect spot, like one of our first 'dates' (if you could even call them that) by the lake.

When I was certain everyone was asleep I snuck out of the main room to the downstairs living room to FaceTime Theo as I promised I would. I already told him he could stay up only one night so we could talk and he was so excited I simply couldn't even think of forgetting.

Sitting on the sofa I called him and not even two rings later he picked up.

"Hey bud." I smiled. "Coco!" He practically shouted. "I mwiss you." He pouted.

"Awk bud, I miss you too bud I'll be back in a few days remember? So you have nothing to worry about."


"Well how's auntie Sophie's?" I asked him and he perked up a bit, my mums sister was a big fan of Theo and he her, that being the reason I allowed him to stay over so often. I knew I could trust her.

"So so good, guess wa we did today?" He bounces up and down. "What did you do bud?" I chuckled.

"We made COOKIES! And then I ate ice keem and waffles." He said.

"Well that's great bud, but make sure auntie Soph doesn't give you too many sweeties you could get sick." I reprimanded slightly.

"Otay Coco... I be good boy." He pouted a little.

"Hey No, you're always an amazing boy Tee, I just don't want you getting sick while I'm away." I reassured him.

"Oh." He jumped up. "D-did choo ask Mewwie to be ur girlfwiend yet?" He giggled hysterically.

Yes, I'd told Theo already, I'd been stressing before we left and I talked to Theo about it so as not to get him worried about me.

And gain the perspective of the most adorable kid ever with the biggest imagination on how to ask her.

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