Chapter 17.

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After several hours on that clammy, cramped coach, most of which passed by without my notice having slept them away on Colby's shoulder we arrived.

The entrance to the forest park was marked with a large and carved wooden arch.

It was beautiful. Driving into the forest wasn't anything like i imagined it to be, i was completely speechless.

The sun shone down upon the trees, covering them in a beautiful golden glow.  Oranges, fiery red's and browns were scattered everywhere creating a perfect autumnal landscape.

The forest lay upon a mountain and so trees rose all around us higher and higher until they were nothing but specs of mossy green far in the distance. Surprisingly there weren't many people around, several clusters of two's and three's walking towards the forest were all i could see.

A picture perfect paradise it seemed to be, one free to everyone but whose beauty was hidden to most.

I was brought back from my admiration of the park by the supervising teacher's instructions.

"Listen up everybody!" He called us to attention. "When we arrive at the cabins, everyone must wait outside to be given a room number which is YOUR room. This is the ONLY room you are to stay in and as usual girls are to stay away from boys rooms and vice versa okay? Okay."

"Whatcha think so far daisy?" Colby whispered.

"It's beautiful." I replied honestly. "Told you it wouldn't be so bad sweetheart." He winked cheekily.

"Maybe it won't be after all." I whispered under my breath. Colby chuckled.

At this point i'm not even surprised he heard, I've learnt I must be truly terrible at whispering.

The cabins we stopped at were also much fancier than i imagined, they were completely wooden, roofs and all made up of long logs laid together, A little balcony sat on the front of each cabin, meaning there must be at least two floors in each.

They created a cosy, rustic atmosphere I wasn't even scared to experience anymore. Well mostly wasn't scared.

It looked amazing.

I was so jumpy and fidgetey when we finally got off the bus I didn't even know whether it was from nerves or excitement.

My mind was racing a mile a minute. Suddenly I flinched away when a hand came to rest on my lower back. "Don't worry daisy it's just me." Colby said gently. "Calm down, it'll be fine, I promise."

I surprised even myself when I accepted Colby's comfort, I leant back into his chest and he wrapped his arms around the front of me.

Colby looked down at me with a warm smile.
I could definitely get used to this.

The teacher whose name I couldnt even remember started calling out our cabin numbers one by one, the cabins swapping in girl, boy, girl, boy order.

"....cabin 33. Emma cabin 36, Melanie cabin 36..."

I mentally cheered in sheer relief of knowing at least one person I was to share a cabin with for the next few days.

More names were called one by one until eventually Colby's was called. "...Cabin 39." Right beside mine.

He smirked down at me, with a mischievous expression.

The teacher went on and on until eventually all the cabins had been called and we were free to go explore them.

Me and Colby headed off to our cabins right beside each other before splitting up to set up. "See you soon Daisy."

"Bye Col." I laughed.

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