Chapter 14.

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"AHhh!" I screamed, diving under the blanket.

The footsteps just got louder...and louder.

I trembled.

No, please no...

Don't look behind the door.

*BOOM* "Aaahhh!" I jumped up from the sofa with a start.

"God, you're the funniest person to watch horror movies with." Colby laughed.
"Remind me to make this a daily occurrence."

"Uughh" I groaned nuzzling my head into Colby's chest under the blanket we were both sharing.

Well to be honest sharing was said loosely. Very loosely.

I was actually hogging most of it to use as my own person panic room to hide form the TV.

And was I thinking of sharing anytime soon?
Absolutely not.

"Awk," Colby cooed, clearly enjoying making my embarrassment a hundred times worse.

"Don't worry Daisy, I think it's adorable." He smirked down at me.

I didn't. I was absolutely sure I was making a complete fool of myself.

"Sure you do." I scoffed. Colby just laughed.

Right about now I was sure I was purple all over.

Every single time he was around me I blushed, honestly I think he just didn't wanna give my hormones a break.

"How does this not make you jump. It's awful."

I shuddered. Ugh, I couldn't even express how much I hated horror movies.

I have no idea why I agreed to let him put one on.

"Simple, I dont scare easy." Colby shrugged.

"How is that even possible?" I asked myself under my breath, but of course acol heard and burst out laughing.

"Aww, is my little scaredy cat afraid of the scary clown?." Colby cooed in a baby voice, throwing his arm around my curled up frame.

"How about we just watch something actually good now?" I asked, hooping to get out of this torture.

Colby chuckled, "Let me guess 'good' means something not scary."

"Of course." I said in a duh tone, taking the remote from his lap.

I sat up and flicked through movie after movie on Netflix in search of something that wouldn't jump out of the flipping screen at me.

Aha! 'To all the Boys ive Loved Before'.

"Ohh please not this rubbish." Colby groaned shoving his head in the pillow.

I giggled, "trust me you'll like it."
His face didn't look one bit impressed.
"Please?" I pouted.

Col looked as though he were at war with himself.

"Ugh, fine." He huffed.
Ha! I knew the pout would work.

With two clicks of the remote 'to all the Boys i've Loved before started.

"W,w,wait." I rushed. "Let me go get the popcorn."

Col chuckled as I jumped up from the bed, nearly tripping over my own feet to get up.

"One minute." I said running out of my room as quiet as my fluffy slippers would allow.

5 minutes and 2 bags of popcorn (one being burnt) later I tiptoed up the stairs back to an awaiting Col.

Setting the popcorn on the side table I finally settled down on the bed beside Colby.

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