8. A change is gonna come [part 2]

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The bell hung on the front door rang and Sara went into the video store like a hurricane.
"What are you doin' here?!" Layla winced, frightened by her friend's entry.
"It's just a visit to a silly girl who sees the good in everyone and doesn't know when the others are fuckin' around with her... Do you know her?"
"I guess I've got a vague memory of her..." Layla weakly smiled.
"Great, 'cause in these past days I've been thinkin' a lot about her and how can I try to help her, and... I think I've come to a conclusion"
"That means...?"
"That means: be my flatmate, El!"
"... What?"
"I perfectly understand your enthusiasm but you should contain yourself, kiddo"
"But, I don't-"
"You need a flat, I need someone to share my expenses with, 'cause lately I've been seriously thinking about organs trade... how about killing two birds with one stone?"
An astonished Layla stood there, unable to say anything.
"Eeeeel? Before tomorrow, darling! I heard that Jack Nicholson is also looking for a place in the Emerald City, I can't blow it"
"Yes, yes, yeeees! A thousand times yes!" Layla pitched into her friend, making both of them fall to the ground.
"And now I pronounce us man and wife... Obviously, I'll be the one who's going to wear the trousers!" Sara laughed, while the other girl helped her to stand up.
"Yeah, I can't disagree" her friend smiled, still shocked by her offer.
"So, where's your boss? Gotta tell him you've got a move waiting for you..."
"What? Do you mean I can move in today?"
"Hello, Jack? Yeah, my silly best friend doesn't want to be my flatmate... Would you like to join me? Oh, and do me a favor: don't bring your axe, thank you" Sara mimed a receiver with her right hand, making Layla heartily laugh.
"I think he's in the back"
"Great! Prepare yourself: in five minutes we'll be emptying your old flophouse!" Sara chirped and then disappeared, leaving the other girl so glad to have such a crazy friend like her.


"El, please, tell me these are the last ones" Sara said panting, carrying the umpteenth box upstairs like her friend.
"Sure, it's the last one"
"Thank god"
"... The last one of the books boxes, now all that is left are the ones with records and clothes"
"... I hate you"
"That's what you get from asking me to be your flatmate, you have to pay the consequences" Layla smirked as they got to their loft and placed the boxes next to the others outside the door.
"Jack surely travels light, maybe I should call him again"
"Too late Sara, we're married now" she said and caught some breath before walking to the stairs again.
"I'm screwed. Ugh! At least, if you had a real boyfriend, he could help us..." Sara remarked, following her.
"I do have a real boyfriend, Sara" the other girl sighed, rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, a real pain in the neck. Did you tell him you've found a place?"
"Yeah, I called him quickly before leaving, he said he was happy with the two of us living together" she explained.
"Of course he is, I'm a girl"
"He thinks you're smart! He really likes you, you know?" Layla retorted.
"He likes me 'cause he thinks I'm a hopeless misanthrope who never goes out and that hanging out with me won't give you the opportunity to meet other guys" Sara snapped as they got to her car to grab other boxes.
"Sometimes I forget how contorted your mind can be" Layla joked.
"Yeah, I bet you also forgot to tell David about the nice and kind californian singer who lives next door..." Sara teased her.
"What? Uhm, well, he didn't ask me anything about neighbors... By the way, he'll soon find out because he told me he'll come here and visit me, most likely for Thanksgiving"
"Sure, like the other hundred times he promised to come to Seattle and never did"
"This time he will" Layla said coldly and sped up her pace upstairs.
<Sorry El, you're smart and all but when it comes to David you don't understand shit> Sara thought, tightening her grip on the box.

When Jeff got out of his apartment to go to rehearsal he saw Layla and Sara standing at her door, surrounded by boxes.
"Jesus Christ, thank you! My prayers have finally been heard!" he exclaimed, looking at some indefinite point on the ceiling.
"What's up? Oh wait, don't tell me: you finally woke up as a woman this morning, right? I'm so happy for you!" Sara grinned.
"Haha, you can tell me anything you want, I can't hear you anymore. Nothing bothers me, now that I know you're finally getting out of my way!" he spat out.
"Wha-" Layla tried to say something but Sara interrupted her.
"Yeah, I was just about to tell you, Ament: someone's moving"
"I can see that, I'm not stupid. And I'm already thinking about how I could celebrate the event" he replied scornfully.
"Hehe, it seems like you'll have a new neighbor soon. Are you happy?"
"I couldn't ask for more"
"Aren't you curious? Don't you wanna know who she is?" Sara went on and Layla was doing her best not to laugh at Jeff's face, otherwise she would have ruined her friend's show.
"I don't care, anyone would be better than you-wait, did you just say she?"
"Yes, it's a she"
"Wow, things can't get any better than this!" he beamed.
"They can, I can assure you. D'ya wanna meet her?"
"Ehm I will soon, I suppose"
"Sooner than what you think: Mr. Montana, I introduce you to your new neighbor!" Sara exclaimed pointing at Layla, who was now taking a little bow towards Jeff.
"She's moving here, to my loft, with me. I thought you understood" Sara smirked.
"Who's moving?" asked Eddie, who had just come out.
"Apparently Dr. Doolittle's moving, here, with Dr. Frankenstein" Jeff told him dejectedly.
"Really? That's just amazing! Ehm, I mean, it's nice, nice to have you here" the singer said, trying to dissimulate the fact he was bursting with joy.
"So why don't you show us your happiness by helping us with Layla's stuff?" Sara asked walking to the stairs.
"Oh, you don't need to" Layla told him.
"Yeah, you don't need to. Also because I'm gonna kick your ass, if you do it" the bass player hissed.
"Sure!" Eddie jogged behind Sara and Layla followed them, after giving Jeff an embarrassed look.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Eddie asked Layla as they were walking downstairs.
"Well, it was quite a sudden decision, you know"
"You only did it to control me for the movie I rented, admit it"
"Haha yeah, I take my job really seriously" she answered and blushed a little.
"Less talk, more work! Come on!" Sara shouted out.
<Those two are way too cheesy for my liking, gotta keep a closer eye on them...>

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