10. This is Halloween! [part 2]

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"Please, remind me why I followed you in this crazy adventure..." Sara said, getting off the bus and joining her friend.
"Because you love me, you can't live without me and you had nothing better to do"
"Well, I actually had a movie to watch, if somebody hadn't forgotten it on purpose..."
"Ooops! I'm so sorry! Are you glad, now?"
"No, especially 'cause I'm fuckin' freezin'! Was it really necessary to force me to wear this tunic?"
"Well, you know, in those ancient days jeans weren't invented yet... But you're lucky: I allowed you to wear the coat and those fabolous boots!"
"Yeah, you don't even know how fuckin' lucky I am!" Sara growled, while the two finally went into the Ballard Firehouse.
They left their coats on the coatroom at the entrance of the pub and began to look around.
When Sara's glance caught sight of someone she knew too well, she snorted: "Oh, dear Jupiter, could you please make me die right now with your holy lightnings? Yours sincerely, Artemis"
"What?" Layla asked, then noticed the people her friend's index was pointing out "Woah, this is fate! C'mon, let's say hi to the guys!"
"Shit, El, can't we just get our coats back and go home? Pleeeeease!"
"No way, Sara! Relax a little bit, I can't believe you're always pissed off!"
"Well, ex-fuckin'-scuse me if I meet my fuckin' neighbor in every fuckin' corner of Seattle!"
"Just ignore him and everything will be fine, I promise you" Layla tried to reassure her friend, then dragged her to the guys.
"Look who's here! All hail to our neighbors!" Eddie greeted them, already being a bit in high spirits.
"Woah, Four Eyes and her psychopath friend are here!" Jeff followed suit with a evil grin "I didn't know that dressing up as a little stupid schoolgirl could count as a Halloween costume"
"I suppose that our Lady of Blessed Acceleration failed on your mental associations, Ament, didn't she?" Sara intervened "That's Dorothy, from The Wizard of Oz... Layla is really proud of her costume, isn't that true?"
"Layla?" Sara repeated, this time turning to her friend and giving her a puzzled look.
"We're talking about your costume" Sara remarked.
"Where's your hair?" Layla asked Eddie, staring at him and completely ignoring her friend.
"Uhm, on my head, as usual" Eddie answered.
"Did you cut your hair?" 
"Hehe no, it's just a magic trick" he smirked patting his hat.
<Ok, I've already lost her, I'm screwed> Sara thought and sighed.
"Oh, Psycho has finally talked! The Toga Party's costume is reeeeeaaaaally original, darlin', yeah" Jeff resumed his skirmish with Sara.
"I'm dressed up as Artemis, Mr. I Wish I Had One Thousandth Of Dan Aykroyd's Talent." the girl retorted, then turned herself because Stone and another guy had finally arrived.
"Gossard, guessing your musical influences becomes harder and harder..." she added with a smirk, while looking at his curly wig and his trousers, decorated with dragons.
"My my my, Fancini! Look at you! I didn't know you had such lovely hair!" Stone smiled at her, enthusiastically shaking his cardboard Gibson EDS-1275 with its famous double neck "I could really climb 'em, they could be my personal Stairway To Heaven..."
"Yeah, in your dreams" she laughed and the guitarist did the same.
"Wait, aren't you the girl of the party?" the other guy asked, and Sara looked at him.
"I bet you're the other guitarist..." she said, observing his costume.
"You're a Foxy Lady!" he exclaimed, shaking his afro wig "I knew you were the girl who slapped Jeff! I'm the guy who let you in that evening!"
"Oh, really? Then thank you, buddy: without your help, I couldn't have put on the show" she grinned, while Mike beamed at her.
"I've already told ya my name, but I guess you were too busy to hear it... I'm Mike" he added, stretching his hand out.
"The name's Sara" she quickly shook it then, noticing that Jeff was looking at her, stuck her tongue out in his direction.
"Well, it seems you've discovered an alternative use for your bed sheets, Fancini" the bass player smirked.
"Yeah, and I'm glad you finally discovered the existence of trousers, Ament" she gave him a fake smile, making Stone and Mike laugh.
"Anyway, I think this costume is original... and it looks really good on you, I like it" McCready added, while Stone poked him on the ribs and Jeff snorted, irritated because he had just lost his skirmish with the girl and his friends were doing nothing to help him.  

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