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She looked at him as he turned towards her, a smile appeared on his face with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

She smiled back, trying her best to hide her emotions as she advanced. Eyes not moving away from his figure, whole mind only focusing on reaching up to him. It felt as if they were the only two beings on earth as time seemed to slow down around her.

She stopped at a distance from him as she realised how much change this would bring in her life. But, she did not care at this point. The only person who's life mattered at this moment was the man in front of her. 

"Miyoung?" He asked, moving forward towards the girl in front of him. She did the same. Replaying in her mind, all the ways she had imagined this moment to go, none of them, being as good as this.

A hand reached inside the coat pocket, bringing out a small metallic thing, making the man take a glance at the girl's face.

She gave him a happy smile as he kneeled down in front of her, the gunshot still echoing the darkened alley. The man's body was barely being supported by his knees before he slumped down at her feet into the red puddle of blood, dead.

"Good job Miyoung," She heard a voice say through the earpiece, "Your first assassination."

Taking out a napkin, she wiped the few drops of blood off of her shoes with a smirk, "Wasn't hard. I hated him anyway."

A slight chuckle was heard in the earpiece, "Anyways. You have officially completed your period of training."

Miyoung let out a sigh, a proud expression dawning on her face as she waited for the words she had longed to hear all these years. The words which she had only heard when she became a trainee. But now, these words would mean something more. They would mean that she had a post, a rank, and one of the important ones actually.

"Welcome to the mafia," The voice in her earpiece said, making her plaster  a wide grin on her face.

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