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I gasped for air, looking helplessly around the room. My body drenched in sweat due to the struggle. After so many years of mostly handling weapons, I have forgotten how up close combat wasn't the skill which came naturally to me.

"Come on, get up," Hoseok chided. Sweat patches clearly visible on his shirt but his energetic face saying otherwise.

I whined, "I don't wanna do this."

Hoseok glared at me as he swung around the punching bag, "Stop whining. You should have known what was coming when you joined the mafia."

"I did not join the mafia, I was dragged into it," I grumbled, walking up to Hoseok as I punched the bag lightly.

"That's the best you could do?" Hoseok asked, annoyed.

"Uh, yeah," I lied. I may not be the best up-close fighter but I was surely good enough to knock a few people out, "Give me a break. I have never done this before in my life."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow, stepping away from the punching bag as he spread his arms, "Punch me."

"What?" I asked, shocked. Not that I did not want to punch his annoying ass, I knew I won't be able resist throwing a few actual punches and that would really not help keep my cover.

"You heard me," He strolled around, "Punch me. Let's see what your weak ass is capable of."

I shrugged, "Fine," I huffed, moving towards him, balling my hands into strong fists as I was about to throw a strong punch at him, but I slowed down mid-way, not wanting to blow my cover.

"You call that a punch?" Hoseok asked with a sly smirk, his hand holding my fist, slowly twisting my wrist.

"Stop it," I said, trying to yank my wrist away.

"Why? Does it hurt?" He taunted.


"From your expression, it does not really looks like it ," He answered before letting go. "You can take that much pain but can't manage to throw a proper punch? Unbelievable," He scoffed.

I stood there, waiting for my cover to be blown, waiting for him to inquire further with questions which I can't answer, waiting to fail my mission while he just stood there, chugging down some water.

"You know what I think?" He said as he walked towards me, "That you have done enough for the day, you should just take a break."

I sighed with relief, "So, I can go home now?"

He spat out the water, "What?"

"I mean, it's night. Can't I just go back to my house?"

"Yeah," Hoseok gave an emotionless smile, "You can't."

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