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"Where are we going?" I asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Hoseok took a turn on the dim lighted streets, "You already know."

"Right," I said, "Why didn't you ask one of those underlings of yours to do this job?"

"You sure do talk a lot," He scoffed, "But it is because we need you to do something if you are going to stay alive and be one of us, while keeping an eye on you."

I opened my mouth to speak, "And before you ask," Hoseok interrupted with a stern voice, eyes still on the road, "You are alive because you seem to be a useful asset to us."

I doubted that. Like me, they were part of a mafia, trust never came easy to us. Although, I still was grateful of the fact that I was still breathing and had all of my fingers.

"In what sense," I asked, "Have I proved myself useful?"

The car screeched as he parked it sharply in front of a shop, "When I said I was the most loyal person you'd find, I wasn't kidding," He said, eyebrows dropped, eyes showing a soft yet unreadable expression, "I would do anything for this mafia, and as you are part of it now, you should know I wouldn't lie to you too."

"Okay," I replied with a slight nod.

He threw some money at me, "Now get out of my car and buy some pesticides."

"Wh-where are you going?" I asked stepping out and walking upto his side.

"I have some work to do, I'll be back in a while," He replied, "I think that much money is enough."

I looked down at the bundle of notes I held, "I think it's more than enough," I said, even though I had no idea how much a pesticide or an insecticide cost.

"Whatever," He shrugged as he started the engine, "Buy yourself something."

Watching him drive away, I rolled my eyes as I walked into the shop.

"Good evening ma'am," a young girl chimed, "How may I help you?"

I walked upto her, the sound of my boots echoing in the empty, shop, the light from the gas station across the street falling into my eyes at an annoying angle.

I looked at the stupid magazine quiz she was doing before I flashed her a smile, "I am looking for pesticides, can you please tell me where they are?"

"You can find them next to the cleaning products at the back of the store," she replied before going looking back at her magazine, scribbling something with her pencil.

I strolled to the back, looking at the little boxes kept neatly at the shelf. Ranging from ants to rodents, they had quite a variety. Not knowing what kind of pest they wanted to get rid of, I picked up one or two box of each type, heading back to the counter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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