Chapter 2

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The soldiers and Eve's troop, the generals and lieutenants were there too. The booth was filled with smoke, fire smoke and cigarettes' smoke. It was clogged, but Eve didn't really mind it, eventually, it was the last night of her break. She had to go back, she had to back-up her fellows. Eve sighed as she sat at a table, if she could call "it" like that. It was more like a barrel with two shabby chairs. She eventually sat up and went to suit herself with a beer. She grinned as she watched her draft got filled with the blonde liquid. She returned at her barrel in the corner, she liked to watch her fellows happily chatting, but not that night, that night all she could hear was murmurs, sighs and complains. As the time passed, and she was immersed in the people's chatting, she didn't sense 'the' someone who sat next to her. When she turned to raise her beer, she gasped and let the can go.

"Ah, you startled me!" she said in a low tone, making the man smile. "What are you up to, lieutenant?" she asked in a cooler tone, as she was grabbing again her beer, took a long sip and put it down again.

"Nothing much, waiting for tomorrow", he replied, watching her face carefully. Eve tried to force a smile and looked at the crowd, pretending to be looking for someone.

Eve couldn't really look into the lieutenant's eyes for long, she felt really uncomfortable when he was around her. Her heart was beating fast and, in order to shut it down, she gulped her whole beer. The man raised an eyebrow, his face showing genuine curiosity towards the black-haired-girl. He eventually grinned, and sat up.

"I'm leaving. Take care tomorrow, captain!" he said, while putting his hand on the girl's left shoulder.

Eve got up quickly and saluted her lieutenant, while she was holding her breath, because she felt like she would burp anytime. The man slowly bowed his head and headed out. Eve let out a loud sigh and she plopped on the shabby chair. Suddenly, a familiar faced popped up at the entrance. It was her roomate. Eve waved at her like a crazy person, Jisoo apparently noticed her because she was making her way towards her army friend.

Jisoo gave her a bright smile as she sat down graciously on the chair the lieutenant sat before. Jisoo looked ethereal, even if her body posture was huge, she definetely stole some eyes, she had plump lips, high cheekbones, straight nose, big eyes. She wore a black tank top and camo trousers, a shy smile covered her face.

"What's up, girl?" Jisoo asked, sipping from her own beer. There it was again, her informal speech, annoying the shit out of Eve. The captain rolled her eyes, but without any glaring to her inferior.

"The sky", Eve replied, grinning.

"I just hate your dad jokes, Eve. I'd really appreciate if you'd stop making them..."

"Well, whatever, you know I'm not gonna stop... So, are you ready for tomorrow?"

Jisoo sighed as well and sipped again. She avoided her captain's eyes and drew circles with her index finger on the table. Eve knew when she was doing that that the manly girl was really worried, so she didn't push further with the questions.

She watched her friend finishing her beer and after that they headed to the dorm. Both girls could hear the bombs and the shots, but no one said anything. As the sun was rasing up, that was the moment when Eve was in her sweetest sleep, but the trumpet woke her up. She suddenly asked herself who woke up the trumpeter. She slapped herself mentally, but blamed it on the few hours of sleep as she realised that he was in the night shift, of course he'd be awake by now, when he had to "sing".

It was 5:30 in the morning. Eve immediately sat up on her back, rubbing her eyes determined, as she cleared her vision, she sat up and went to take a shower, a quick one, she had no time to waste. As she chose a clean towel, she went to her roomie's bed, knowing she was a heavy sleeper, Jisoo needed a boost. Eve sighed, she felt bad waking her up, but she was in the front line, she had to be there early.

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