Chapter 5

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Eve was breathing hard and her heart skipped with every move which was not hers. Baekhyun followed immediately behind her and the rest of 7 people who stayed went straight to the "building" from where the bullet came. It was more of a ruin, than a building, but it was not the time to judge the architecture of this ghost town which was more a war zone. Eve pointed with her fingers, spliting her team in groups of 3 and 4, because there were two entrances. Three came with her, because she was the Captain. Baekhyun followed his Captain and entered. It was really dusty, and the doors were kind of rusty. Everyone found it hard to breathe. Eve climbed the stairs and ran fast to the roof. Nobody.

"Clear", she said in a stern voice.

Her members went down.

"Captain. Captain. Captain."

"Copy!" Eve yelled in her walkie-talkie, because it was not the time to be quiet.

"We see him, he's running after Soldier Park and our collegues", he said worried.

"Roger!" She looked worried at Baekhyun whose face was white in horror. "Let's move! We gotta catch him alive!" Eve took again her walkie-talkie: "You have the permission to shoot, don't kill him! We need him very much alive!"

With that being said, Eve started running with her rifle held on tight to her chest. Both bullet belts banging in the back, but that didn't stop her. Her inferiors followed, they saw him! Eve took out her walkie again, holding with the other hand the rifle.

"He's following you! Be careful! Over", she screamed over the 2-way radio transceiver.

"Copy that, Captain!"

Baekhyun was filled with dark rage and started running faster, leaving Eve screaming behind him. Eve understood him very much, but it was pointless risking his life. Eve gave up, the short boy wouldn't listen.

Baekhyun was already on his tracks, the sniper was not very skilled, but somehow he managed to shoot Chanyeol. Baekhyun was worried sick, he knew he wouldn't lose his friend, but Chanyeol was freaking unconscious and he couldn't walk, so it was harder for his collegues to carry him to the scout cars. Baekhyun neatened his helmet and followed with his heart pounding and his muscles flinched in pain.

Eve ordered two of her inferiors to follow Baekhyun. The black-haired-girl was already panting. But she couldn't allow herself to stop.

"Captain, are you OK?" a soldier asked her between his breaths.

Eve just nodded and followed.

"Don't worry for me! Let's just catch that bastard!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Baekhyun fitted his weapon and fired like crazy. The sniper just escaped his bullets, je just ran after Chanyeol. "What is he doing?" Baek asked himself. Baekhyun left his rifle and took out his gun and ran faster as if he was running for his life, but he was just running to take revenge. Baekhyun suddenly stopped, fixed his position and fired. The shot was like a deaf-sound and it filled the air all around him, it was like the time froze until the sniper fell on the ground, grunting and holding his feet in pain. Baekhyun smirked and ran towards him. He jumped on him and begin hitting him with his face, yelling at him:

"How do you like this!? Do you like how it feels, huh?! You're finished, fella!"

His blind rage took over, and it wasn't like that, but Chanyeol meant a lot to him, they were like brothers. He was his first friend in army, and for the first time, he fitted somewhere, most of his friends from Seoul found him annoying and left him at some point, but Chanyeol always enjoyed his stupid jokes. It was not until the sniper's face was destroyed and full of bloond and not until two sets of hands grabbed him brutally from the enemy.

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