Chapter 3

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The bombings were really loud, Eve couldn't hear her thoughts, she caressed her weapons, her revolver, her rifle, the bullets and lastly, she sharpened her dagger and wiped the dirt away from it. She stared at it for a long time, going back in the past, when she was 14. She was at an age where she didn't even know what life really is, let alone death. She focused on the dagger like she treasured it the most. She almost whispered to it 'my precious'. Of course, she wouldn't talk about the dagger, it was a family heritage. This dagger came from many generations in her hands, of course she had to treasure it. It was the last thing her mom gave her, before she died in the hands of the enemy. Eve didn't see their faces, didn't know who they were, but she swore she'd fight for this country to be whole again, as a revenge. It was the only reason she kept on going with this, even though she didn't see the end of it. She was still day-dreaming when someone knocked on her dorm's door.

She hid her dagger under her pillow and she hurried to open the door. She cursed herself mentally and closed her eyes really slowly. She facepalmed herself, but she didn't have any choice now. Her lips formed a straight line as she struggled not to show any disgust as he could demote her and she didn't want that. She watched the man in disbelief as he entered her room and looked at her stuff. She cursed again under her breath, making General Oh Sehun to turn completely to face her.

He was really handsome, but, too bad, he had a crappy way of being, which didn't help him very much in the army. Eve sighed and crossed her arms at her chest, not breaking the contact with General Oh.

"What's up, Captain Kim?" he asked bluntly. Eve was tempted to answer 'the sky' and she almost escaped a chuckle. Sehun raised and eyebrow at the small smirk on the face of the black-haired-girl.

"Preparing for war", she said simply, resisting the urge to kick him out. "I see you're back, General", she added shortly.

"Yeah, did you miss me?" Eve scoffed in response, making Sehun furrow his eyebrows. But he was still waiting for words, not 'puffs'.

"Do you want me to lie?" she asked in a poisonous tone. Sehun shrugged. "Then yes, I did miss you, a lot, General", she lied very obviously. Sehun smirked and approached her. He slid two fingers under her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye, because he was so much taller than her. Eve didn't move, just looked at him, without any fear, only fury. He pushed her gently on her bed, Eve landed on her elbows and threw an angry glare towards General Oh Sehun. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, but she was not given a chance, because he came on top of her, with a straight face, more straight than ever. He touched her face gently then brutally grabbed her chin, while Eve was trying to get her dagger from under the pillow. She sealed her lips, because he was approaching her even more, once she caught the handle of the dagger. She grabbed if confidently and took it out from the pillow poiting it to the right eye of the General. He glared at me horrified. He backed up, with hands in the air. When he was at a safe distance from Eve, he started laughing at her. Eve was taken aback. Did that mean she lost her position as a captain? She threw the dagger on the bed, not bothering to hide it anymore, since he knew. He kept on laughing, making Eve feel like pulling her hair out. She crossed her arms to her chest again, waiting for him to stop.

"General", she started with her voice trembling a little, "I wish you wouldn't do that."

"Why? Do you hate me that much?" he asked, Eve didn't have any idea if he meant that question or not, he didn't seem to care if Eve hated him or not. However, he didn't give Eve the chance to answer, just just went on: "You really look more gorgeous when you're angry..."

"I don't think looking gorgeous it's what I need on the battlefield", she said shortly. "I think I need to fight well, to shoot well, to aim well. Looking "gorgeous" won't really help me on the battlefield, General", she repeated.

"The little bird learned to "sing" well while I was away mending my wounds. You missed me, right? Now you're just playing hard-to-get", he said again. He was back at it again, Eve sighed, resisting the urge to roll her eyes back in her head in front on the good-looking man.

"Stop talking nonsense!" she yelled a bit too loud. "Is this the reason why you barged in my room?"

"Isn't it enough of a reason? I returned earlier... just to see..."

"Are you done talking? I'm leaving", she spoke those words a little too disrespectfully, and she was aware she was leaving without her weapons. When she tried to step out from her room, he shut the door and grabbed her wrists. "General, I don't have time for this! I have to gather my troops!" she yelled frustrated.

He put his hand on her shoulders and started grinning creepily at her. Eve didn't want to do this, but looked like he was giving her no choice. Eve shrugged before hitting him hard in his crotch. He immediately tooked his hand off of her and grabbed his "jewerly", falling on the floor. Eve took her weapons and left her room, leaving him in agony. She was really gonna demoted this time. She sighed again before started running to the training camp.

Eve war wearing her combat uniform, consisting of a jacket, trousers and a T-shirt all in a disruptive pattern of khaki and cut more loose and comfortable than her parade uniform which was waiting for Eve to wear it already. She fitted the bullets on her shoulders in a 'X', she checked again if she had her dagger and revolver, and she glanced at her rifle, poiting to the ground. Her troop was already there. She counted them, they were all there. She smiled proundly and fondly to them. They saluted her, and all screamed once her name.

"Well, here we are! It's pointless asking you if you're ready, since I'm not ready myself! But I'll try my best and if I have to die, then I'll die proudly and honorable for Korea to be whole again!" she screamed, they cheered. "Sun is already setting, let's head to the scout cars! I need you to be as quiet as you can! We don't need any attention upon us! Soldier Byun, I'm counting on you!"

Her boys started chuckling and teasing soldier Byun, who tried hard not to laugh, but let out a giggle himself too. Her troops headed quietly to the cars, they all got in. There were 60 people fitting in 6 scout cars. Eve went in the first scout car, with Baekhyun and Chanyeol, Baekhyun was the driver. She put on the seatbelt and offered a silent prayer, her mind running to Jisoo once again, wondering if the manly girl was safe and sound. She couldn't tell. She didn't know when she'll be back, she hoped her friend was fine, and she hoped she would be fine herself too.

She heard giggles and laughs in behind the car, but in the front of the car was dead sillence. Nobody uttered a single word. Eve was grateful she didn't have to face the General for some days. He surely was mad that she went in this mission as well. The black-haired-girl was looking in front of her, sometimes sneaking glances to Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Chanyeol was just staring out at the window, it wasn't much to be seen, but it's better than nothing. He couldn't face his Captain. He felt ashamed he was caught red handed and all he wanted the most was her to be alive, to be fine, and some day, he wanted to confess his feelings, but she took that away from him. He was kinda mad at her, but he still worried for her. Baekhyun, on the left side of the Captain Kim, was driving peacefully, like they were going to get groceries, not dead bodies. He prayed hard inside his head, they would all come back safely. But only Lord knew how this mission was going to end. 

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