Chapter 10

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Flashback: "Her mom ushered her inside the safe box they hid in the wardrobe. Her mom kept telling her to keep her mouth shut, not to utter a single damn word out of her mouth. Eve kept nodding while sobbing silently. Her dad was measuring the room with his steps and kept running his fingers through his hair. Her mom was crying soundless, Eve only could see for the last time her mom's eyes all watery and her dad who couldn't even tell her a word of reassuring. The thing was he didn't want to lie to her. It was going to be hell, they only could be grateful that her grandma was still alive, even if not for so long as they wanted.

Her mom looked at her only daughter once again, kissed her forehead and petted her hair, caressing her cheek and whiping her hot tears. Eve's mom say good-bye and hugged her tight before ordering her to shut her mouth once again and not to get out until there are no more noises. Eve was still young, but she knew what was going to happen even if she didn't understand it fully then.

Eve was laying uncomfortable in the dark in a small box, she heard screams, rumbles, rollings on the wooden floor and then 2 gun shots followed by hard thuds, she covered her ears, trying to push back what was happening outside her box, but she still heard everything. Only two gunshots. She heard some men talk korean, but with a strange accent and a different dialect. Eve heard the wardrobe's doors opened, but she was hidden in the safe box which was camouflaged with a small wooden door the same as wardrobe's. She heard someone say 'nothing' and then they left, but she didn't dare to get out so soon. She waited, she didn't know for how long, but she waited.

Suddenly, the young girl started sobbing as she was opening the door from inside and got out of the closet. She looked around the house, the dorm was clean, the kitchen and bathroom as well, and she went in the living. She was carefully walking, like a small kitten, trying not to attract attention onto her. She saw the carpet stained with blood and no bodies. She gulped, her parents were nowhere to be seen. She went to the landline and tried to contact someone, anyone. Wire disconnected and cut. She started crying loudly. She went to her parents' room and stashed their family photo and some other belongings and got out and started running. She was scared, she was young, maybe 9-10 years, she didn't remember well, she just knew she had to run somewhere, the house was not safe anymore."

Eve ordered the gardians to bring the prisoner to the interrogation room. They immediately obeyed. She and Baekhyun entered the room and waited. Baekhyun thought Eve was behaving really odd, she kept kicking with her leg and she couldn't seem to focus on the papers under her eyes. Baekhyun stared at her without even realising only until Eve looking him straight in the eye.

"Any problem, Soldier Byun?" she asked bluntly.

"No, Captain. You seen anormal today."

"Anormal? How so?" she said, giggling.

"I don't know. You seem off. Is there something on your mind?"

"I will just warn you. It's going to get personal."

"What do you mean?" Baekhyun asked, furrowing his eyebrows at her, which she found oddly funny. A confused Baekhyun was always funny.

"No more questions, Soldier. Save them for our 'friend'."

Baekhyun nodded and thought about what she said, he realised he knew nothing about her only what his comrades' gossips about whereabouts or behind the scenes infos. She seemed clean, but nobody was really clean.

He wanted to ask something anyway, but didn't get the chance because the door opened and the guardians put the chained prisoner on the chair and chained him with another pair of handcuffs on the chair. Eve smiled at him, he wasn't that old. He was around 35, maybe. He had short black hair, and a piercing glare, he wasn't happy at all to be there. His bottom lip was thicker than the upper one, he had a straight nose and thick eyebrows, a sharp chin and a carved jawline. He was quite handsome, even if he was beaten up, she gave Baekhyun a questioning look because he was looking way worse than she remembered last time. Baekhyun made a unknowing fake face and shrugged.

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