5🐿 Coffee Angel

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Two weeks later

I had fetched my uniform from the dry cleaner. Tomorrow was my graduation and I was more than ready but nope faith had to do me wrong.

On my way back home I was walking while on my phone when suddenly someone bumped into me. We both fell to the ground.

"Sorry, so sorry." The person said and helped me up.

I looked at my uniform and it had coffee spilled all over it.

Not again

"I'll pay for that." The person said and took out his wallet.

"I need it by tomorrow and I won't have time to get it from the cleaner." I said and the person scratched his head.

"Ok you know what I'll have someone send it over to your school before the graduation begins." He said and picked up my phone which was still on the ground.

"Thanks." I said and took my phone from his hands.

"Wait don't you think we need to exchange numbers so I can contact you." He said and took out his phone.

"Sure."I said "My name is Taehyun."

"Yeonjun" he said and I gave him my number.


I had spent the rest of the day by myself, which was new since Soobin and Hueningkai had been with me 24/7 and no matter how much I told them that I was ok they still stayed.

I spent the day finishing my school work, finding a job and other stuff to keep me busy.

And at the end of the day I had decided to watch movie and I had realized how quiet it was without Soobin and Hueningkai's screaming.

I was alone with my thoughts and that was never good.

I started thinking.

Thinking about one person...

The guy in the cafe.


The guy was coming into my thoughts more and more. At first I used him as a way to stop thinking about Chin-Wa, a way to distract me.

But now he really was all I thought about.

I thought about who his was.

What was his life like?

What was his like?

At first I didn't like him much, he was rude.

But now I start to make my own scenario about him.


I have meet many random strangers in my life and would probably forget about them the next day.

But for some reason this cafe guy was all I could think about.

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