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"So, what on Earth did I witness between you and Richie earlier?"

        Rob cocked a brow at his wife as he turned from getting the lasagna they'd both wanted for dinner in the oven so he could actually see her. He'd a pretty good idea of what the answer to that question was already, but like certain other things in Life, he actually wanted to hear it. From what he'd noticed ever since they met, she'd never given another man a second glance, as far as being attracted to a guy went. That was one of the many reasons he'd fallen in Love with her, even before he'd begged her for that first date in the middle of his last tour.

        "I think ya already know, love, but I'll say it, if you're that determined to hear it," Lyric laughed from where she sat on a bar stool on the other side of the island.

        He couldn't help a smirk as he leaned back against the counter behind him, his arms crossed over his chest.

        "I ain't gonna deny he's attractive," the young woman told him. "If I hadn't met you first, I'd totally go after him like a blood hound."

        "Or maybe a Bird Dog," Rob laughed.

        "Yeah, that, too," she agreed with a chuckle of her own. "'Cuz no, being pregnant and horny ain't the only reason I find him attractive."

        "So, ya actually felt a spark when ya shook his hand?" the young bassist asked, pushing away from the counter he was leaning against.

        "Mmm, hmm–and the only other one I've experienced that with is you," Lyric answered, nodding.

        He didn't even have to ask what that meant, 'cuz he already knew–that the younger brunette was a kindred Spirit to her that she was gonna connect with on one level or another. Part of him couldn't help feeling a bit threatened as a man and husband, considering she'd already admitted to being attracted to Richie. But there was another part that held Faith in her regardless, 'cuz she was about as brutally honest a woman as he'd ever come across in his Life.

        The young woman shot him one of her gorgeous smiles that few ever saw, depending on her mood, as she reached up to gently cup his cheek. Gently pulling him down closer to her, she gave him one of the most tender kisses they'd ever shared, if one didn't count the ones they shared after making Love. Only when he pulled back to look at her as if searching her eyes for answers did she bother saying anything else.

        Rob couldn't help the relief he felt when she assured him that she well knew the difference between cheating and something she called polyamory. There was a big difference between truly going behind his back and having a secondary partner that he knew about and consented to her having. If she were to ever do anything with the younger brunette, he'd know what she was up to long before she ever did it. She made it clear that she suspected she'd been cheated on in the Past, and she couldn't bring herself to do that to him–especially not after handfasting with him not even six months ago. Whether one of his band mates or anyone else, if he didn't consent to her having a second partner, it'd never happen.

        Lyric easily saw–not to mention felt–how much he relaxed upon hearing that reassurance, even though she knew she'd still have to prove her words. Both were big believers in the old adage that actions spoke louder than words, so she could say she'd never cheat on him all she wanted to–but she'd to be ready to put her money where her mouth was when she did. She just hoped that if her attraction to Richie grew enough for him to consent to her taking him as a secondary partner, it didn't overly affect the band. And by that, she meant that she hoped it didn't rip the band to shreds worse than CC's outta-Control cocaine addiction already had.

Blind Faith (Sequel to Something to Believe In)Where stories live. Discover now