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Once they'd gotten through their lone song–to which, the crowd's reactions seemed pretty positive–the guys all headed backstage again. That pre-show blow-job'd done Wonders for getting Richie to settle down and get into his groove as if he were back at the studio when they were tracking it since this was another song he'd written before he met the others. Seeing that certainly brought at least a slight smile to the rest of their faces, but now it was Time to get down to even more serious business.

        Judging by the look he was shooting them, Rikki was still ready to cause a big stink over what he'd walked in on just before they took the stage. The older brunette shot him a warning look that was caught by his wife and younger counterpart, but completely missed by the kids and Bret. Backstage after even a one-song concert wasn't the Time or placeta be discussing their private Lives, and he'd never forgive him, if he started now.

        Upon finally arriving back in his house a short while later, Rob headed straight upstairs with his sleepy baby girl. Aria'd enjoyed the show as much as her big brother had, but at ten months old now, it was actually just a lil past her normal bedtime. Said big brother was starting to get a lil too tired, as well, not that either of them needed to be privy to the conversation about to take place. Luckily, Zep wasn't quite as picky about who put him to bed anymore, so he was more than glad to let the man he'd taken to calling Daddy Richie do that while his parents were busy.

        "All right, what in the fuckin' hell'd I see earlier that I can't unsee now?" the drummer finally exploded once all four adults were gathered in the kitchen. "'Cuz to me, it looked like Lyric was cheating with your fuckin' band mate and not even trying to hide it."

        "That's 'cuz I wasn't cheating on him, with his band mate or otherwise," Lyric snickered. "And even if I was, it wouldn't stay Hidden for long before the Guilt ate away at me too much and I 'fessed up."

        "The woman's a helluva liar when she wantsta be–but not with something like that," her husband chuckled, nuzzling her hair from where he was settled on a bar stool so she could stand between his legs.

        "From what they've told me, she didn't even try to hide being attracted to me when he called her out on it on Day one," Richie agreed, gently taking one of her hands so he could lace their fingers together. "Hell, didn'tcha tell him something like it wasn't all being pregnant and horny that madeja wanna jump me?"

        "I did, yeah," she answered with a laugh, making a certain pair of aqua eyes widen. "'Cuz at the Time, I was four months pregnant with Aria–pregnancy makes a woman horny quicker and easier than normal, just like it does with mood swings and exhaustion."

        "Looks like the Cat's poor Rikki's tongue," Rob snickered.

        "I–Wha–" he stuttered, looking even more flabbergasted than he'd looked backstage earlier.

        "Polyamory, ya nut," the young woman laughed. "Think of it like a Mormon taking multiple wives."

        "How the fuck does that tie in?" Rikki asked, his expression shifting to confusion.

        She couldn't help another laugh as she explained that when a Mormon took multiple wives, there was only one legal marriage. All the subsequent weddings–whether it was just one or fifteen–were Spiritual marriages that were more akin to the Pagan handfasting than they weren't, from what she could tell. It was that latter, Millennia-old Ceremony that allowed her to be married to the older brunette, but technically not be committing bigamy or having an extra-marital affair, as per State Laws.

Blind Faith (Sequel to Something to Believe In)Where stories live. Discover now