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March, 1993

Another ten months passed after Aria's Birth, and her daddy's band was finally about to hit the stage for the first Time in just over a Year and a-half. Not only was it the first Time in so long after killing a tour–and killing one prematurely at that–it was the first live performance with their new guitarist. They were gonna be playing their new single, Stand–which'd been released almost three months ago as a sorta teaser for the fans that were still interested in their band, what with the growing grunge movement.

        Waiting backstage, all four guys were nervous about how their appearance on the Arsenio Hall Show was gonna go, but none more so than Richie. Sure, he'd released solo albums in the Past and even performed live–but not with an already-established band that was internationally famous like this one. There was a big difference in what he'd done before as a recording artist and what he was about to do now.

        Rob spent a lil extra Time with his kids, whom he'd wanted to bring to watch from backstage tonight, while the blondes were warming up a bit. Having noticed the younger brunette's Anxiety, he shot a look at his wife, who Returned the look with a devious grin. She leaned down to whisper something in his ear, then took off for the dressing room he shared with the younger man in question. After giving her a few moments so it'd appear she took off for a potty break, he managed to snag said young man's attention.

        "Why dont'cha go splash some Water on your face and just take a minute to collect yourself?" he suggested, gesturing toward their dressing room. "I think the kids and I can keep Bret and Rikki from going ape-shit for at least a couple minutes, if we wind up late."

        "Ya sure that's a good idea?" Richie asked nervously. "I mean, I don't wanna cause strife where there hasn't been any by making us late."

        "Trust me, we're all feeling the Anxiety, too," the older brunette chuckled. "I mean, it's our first show in eighteen months, and with a new guitarist at that–we're all nervous about how the fans're gonna react, too."

        "The three of ya are damn sure better at hiding it than I am," he said, pushing himself up from his seat. "Tell those two I'll be back as quick as I can."

        Ron simply nodded before Returning his attention to playing with his kids, not about to give away what was in store for him.

        The younger brunette took a deep breath as he headed off to their dressing room, hoping to Calm his nerves a bit before he headed onstage. Maybe he was right, and splashing some cool Water on his face'd help, if only by cooling him off a bit since it already felt hot in here and the stage Lights'd just make it worse. He certainly hoped so, 'cuz he didn't wanna fuck up and hit the wrong chord, or wind up puking over the side of the stage from the heat and Anxiety both getting to him.

        Richie gasped as he felt something shove him against the dressing room door almost as soon as he got it closed, his hands automatically reaching to shove back. Feeling a hand suddenly grab him by the balls quickly made the person's identity register, but he was still surprised when he realized it was Lyric. He hadn't even seen her disappear a few minutes ago, which was the whole Intent since she didn't want anyone to realize it.

        "What the–" he started, only to gasp again when she started nibbling at his throat. "Hon, we don't–"

        "Sure we do," the young woman chuckled, her voice sounding sultry. "For what I've in mind, that is."

        "We're supposed to be onstage in a few minutes," Richie protested, groaning as the hand gripping his balls tightened in a not-so-good way.

        "Rob'll keep those idgits busy just long enough," she told him, grinning. "'Cuz it's not like we're going as far as ya seem to think we are."

Blind Faith (Sequel to Something to Believe In)Where stories live. Discover now