Secret weapon this, secret weapon that

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*Serena POV*

"Geez, It's been a while since I've had to commit to Kalos Queen duties." I thought. Ever since I married Ash, my schedule has been cut down a lot since I now had a duty alongside him to raise our child. Nevertheless, I'm glad to be back. 

"Miss Serena, it is an honour to have you back. If I may ask, how was your time away?" Jason, who was my personal butler came over and asked politely. 

"Oh, it's been alright. I kind of enjoyed spending time with my family." I replied. 

"Ah, t'is good to hear." Jason said. "Anyway, I am here to inform you that you have several challengers awaiting for you, 4 in fact."  

"Very well, bring them in." I said before heading over to my wardrobe to pick an outfit. I eventually picked a dress that strongly resembled a Pikachu because I liked it. 

"I'm sure Ash would like to see this outfit on me..." I thought before I came back to my senses. There was no time to day dream, I had challengers waiting to challenge me for the Kalos Queen title. 

Suddenly, an explosion (it's been a while since we had one of these) occurred right outside which scared the living daylights out of me. Immediately, there was banging on the door to my room. 

"Miss Serena! We must leave at once!" Jason said as I quickly changed back to my normal clothes and exited my wardrobe alongside Jason. The two of us went outside, only to be met with Team Flare grunts. 

"T-Team Flare!? I thought they disbanded ever since their leader, Lysandre was presumed dead." I thought. 

"Miss Serena, stay behind me!" Jason yelled as he sent out his Pokemon to guard me from some Team Flare Grunts who were coming my way. 

"Litleo, target the Kalos Queen and use ember!" One of the Team Flare grunts yelled as their Pokemon obliged and sent a small blast of fire my way. 

"Manetric! Counter the attack with shock wave!" Jason yelled as his Manetric sent a surge of electricity towards Litleo's attack, countering it successfully. 

"Miss Serena, leave this to me. Hurry up and get out fo here." Jason said as I obliged. As he was battling, I quickly snuck away, only to be stopped by someone I wished I never had to see again in my life. 

"L-LYSANDRE!?" I yelled in fear as I couldn't believe it, he was supposed to be DEAD. Why is he here, and most importantly, what is he doing here!? 

"Ah, I am honoured that you remembered my name... Kalos Queen." Lysandre said. 

"Tch, what are you doing here!?" I asked, ready to battle if I must. 

"I'm sure you can figure out, look around." Lysandre said as I did. What I saw was a total riot, there were Team Flare Grunts all over the place wreaking havoc, robbing people of their money and Pokemon and stealing riches from stores. 

"Stop this, now!" I yelled angrily. 

"Then beat me." Lysandre said as he sent out a Gyarados. 

"Alright, Sylveon. I choose you!" I yelled as I released Sylveon from it's pokeball to battle. 

"Gyarados, use hydro pump!" Lysandre yelled as Gyarados sent a crashing vortex of water towards Sylveon. 

"Sylveon, dodge it and use moon blast!" I yelled as Sylveon obliged. Quickly, it evaded Gyarados's attack while charging up its own. Once it was ready, Sylveon leapt up high and released the it's attack right on Gyarados, dealing quite a bit of damage. 

"Tch, Gyarados. Use hyper beam!" Lysandre yelled as Gyarados charged up a powerful beam and released it directly on Sylveon. Before I knew, Sylveon had already been knocked out by Gyarados. 

"I'm sorry, Sylveon." I said as I returned Sylveon to it's respective pokeball. 

"Ha, you can't stop me. Now, no one can meddle in our little scheme." Lysandre said as he did a cliché evil villain laugh. 

"What kind of scheme are you planning, Lysandre!?" I asked. 

"I can't say much, but it's something to do with a 'secret weapon'." Lysandre said. "Now, I have no use for you. Gyarados, finish off the Kalos Queen!" 

Gyarados charged up a hyper beam and was about to release it on me when suddenly, it was struck by a surge of electric. When I looked to see where the surge of electricity came from, I saw no other than an iconic duo, a man and his Pikachu. 

"Hey Lysandre, you old fart. Thought you were dead. Apparently not." The man said. 

"W-Who? Wait, it's you! You're the Greninja boy!" Lysandre said, now he was panicking. 

"Hey, I have a name. It's Ash. But you can call me... Kalos League Champ." The man said. "Now, you and your men better stop with whatever you're doing, or else." 

"...Fine, but only because we've gotten what we came for. Now, our secret weapon will be one step closer to being complete." Lysandre said before he signalled his men to cease and retreat. 

Once the area was free from Team Flare Grunts, everything went back to normal. 

"You alright, Serena?" Ash asked as he checked for injuries. 

"I'm fine, no injuries whatsoever." I replied. 

"Good." Ash replied as he went in for a kiss on the forehead. "I'll be off then. I still have something to do." 

"I'll see you later at home, then. Don't be late." I said. 

"You can count on me!" Ash replied as he hopped onto his Charizard and flew away. 

*Ash POV*

"This is the third time today that an attack happened with a 'secret weapon' being involved. This might be more sinister as I thought..." I thought. 

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