Giovanni be worrying (very short chapter)

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*Giovanni POV*

"Hmm... David hasn't reported in for quite a while... I wonder why?" I thought to myself as I sat comfortably on a sofa with my Persian lying on my lap. Everything was going perfectly planned, I had a further evolved Mewtwo under my control, Groudon and Kyogre who were under David's control and three of the strongest champions in the entire world as my servants. 

Nothing could go wrong. Team Rocket is going to rule the world like it once did before. 

Suddenly, I received a phone call. It was from David. 

"Ah, finally. Some reports." I sighed as I picked up the phone call. 

"I expected your report to come in quicker, David." I said sternly. 

"Well, sorry about that 'sir'. I'll try reporting sooner, next time." David replied. No, wait. It wasn't David. It was someone else's voice. 

I started sweating nervously, how has David been found out!?

"Who are you!?" I yelled angrily. 

"Oh, you noticed that it wasn't David. Well done, old fart." The person on the other side of the call said. "It's me, Paul." 

"Oh, it's you. What the hell do you want? Where is David?" I asked. 

"Well... You see, he's currently with us. And he won't be going anywhere for a while." Paul said. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"We tied him up, you old fart." Paul replied.

"Tch, how low for someone who is a champion." I said. 

"You aren't one to talk, old fart." Paul replied. "Just know that we're coming for you next."

"I'd like to see you try." I chuckled as I hung up. 

Looks like things might turn out challenging. 

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