Lara's unwanted encounter

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*Lara POV*

"Alright! I'm going to get my first gym badge!" I thought as I had just arrived at Pewter City. I was pumped up, excited for the first gym battle along my journey as a Pokemon Trainer. But, instead of immediately running to the Pokemon Gym, I decided to play it safe and heal up Poliwag and Bulbasaur first. 

Once my two Pokemon were in tip-top condition, I immediately dashed towards the Pokemon Gym, excited for a battle. But when I arrived, there were men dressed in black uniforms were blocking the way and causing a riot unnecessarily. (lets call them man 1 and man 2, im not giving them names cuz they're pretty unimportant)

Without the intention to get involved, I tried to find a way to sneak around the men in black uniforms. I found one and attempted it, but got caught either way. 

"Oh? What do we have here?" Man 1 asked as he grabbed me by the collar. "Looks like we got another rookie trainer today." 

"P-Please sir, let me go. I only want to challenge the gym leader here." I pleaded, hoping that they'd understand my request and allow me to pass. Boy, was I wrong. 

"Sure kiddo, only if you hand over all your money whatever Pokemon you have. If you do, we might think about it." Man 2 said. 

"What? No way! How will I be able to challenge the gym without my Pokemon?" I asked. 

"Well, that isn't our problem. Hand them over now, if you don't wanna get hurt." Man 1 said. 

Suddenly, a small blast of fire nearly hit man 1, which startled him enough to the point where he'd soften his grip on my collar. Using this as an opportunity, I managed to slip away. When I looked over to see where the attack came from, I saw no other than Zachary and his Charmander. 

"Leave her alone, you good-for nothing rockets!" Zachary scolded. 

"Oh, looks like that kind wants to go. Let's beat the hell out of their Pokemon and steal their stuff!" Man 1 yelled as the Man 2 nodded. Together, they both pulled out a pokeball from their pockets and released their Pokemon. 

"Go, Drowzee!" Man 1 yelled.

"Paras, let's go!" Man 2 yelled. 

"Zachary, let's work together to beat these two." I said as I  readied myself for battle with Poliwag's pokeball in hand. 

"Fine, just this once." Zachary replied. 

"Poliwag, I choose you!" I yelled. 

"Mankey, let's go!" Zachary yelled. 

"Drowzee, use confusion!" 

"Poliwag, dodge the attack and use bubble!" 

Despite it's round shape and size, Poliwag was still able to swiftly dodge Drowzee's attack and deal some damage by coming from behind and launching an attack, damaging Drowzee heavily. 

"Paras, use leech life on Poliwag!" 

Poliwag was about to be hit by Paras's attack when Mankey jumped in and countered it successfully on Zachary's command. 

"Mankey, let's blow 'em away with a karate chop!" Zachary yelled as Mankey speedily charged towards Paras and landed a powerful blow directly on Paras, dealing quite a bit of damage. 

"Uh oh, they're beating us!" Man 2 whispered in a panic. 

"Don't worry, boss's secret weapon will come in handy at a time like this!" Man 1 said as he randomly pulled out a gem from his pocket. The gem was extremely beautiful and it had a unique feature where it's colour would constantly be shifting. 

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