Champion's brawl

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*Third Person POV*

"Dragonite! Destroy these fools!" Lance yelled as Dragonite was released from it's pokeball. 

"Metagross! Let's go!" Steven yelled as Metagross was released from it's pokeball. 

The two champions stood across the group with their powerful Pokemon, with a look of anger on their faces. The group instantly knew that this was going to be extremely troublesome.

"You guys go and get Serena. I will take care of these two." Ash said calmly as Pikachu leapt from Ash's shoulder and landed on all fours, facing Dragonite and Metagross with lightning sparks coming out of it's cheeks. 

"Are you insane!? These two are champions! There's no way you can beat them on your own!" Ritchie said. 

"It seems you forget." Ash said with a small grin on his face. 

"I'm Ash Ketchum, a champion as well." 

The group was taken aback, but understood Ash. Reluctantly, they went on ahead while Ash faced the two champions, alone. 

"Think you can take on both of us? Confident." Steven commented. 

"A terrible decision, really." Lance added on. 

"Well... It's the best one I've made so far." Ash replied as Greninja was released from it's pokeball, standing side by side with Pikachu. 

"We'll beat some sense into you and make sure you never betray master ever again!" Lance yelled. "Dragonite, use fire blast!" 

Dragonite released a massive blast of fire from it's mouth directly towards Pikachu. Luckily, Pikachu was very agile as it dodged Dragonite's attack with relative ease by leaping into the air. 

"Metagross! Use zen headbutt!" Steven yelled as Metagross powered up and launched itself towards Pikachu. 

"Greninja! Water Shuriken!" Ash yelled as Greninja created two shurikens made of pure water and launched them directly at Metagross, dealing a fair amount of damage while Metagross came crashing onto the ground. 

"Dragonite! Use hyper beam!" Lance yelled as Dragonite released a powerful beam from it's mouth that was directed towards Greninja. 

"Pikachu! Reflect the attack with iron tail!" Ash yelled as Pikachu jumped in front of Greninja and slammed the beam with it's tail, reflecting the beam towards the ground, causing a crater.

"Greninja!" Ash called as Greninja nodded. The two focused their thoughts as a tornado of water surrounded Greninja. 

"Impossible..." Steven commented. 

Greninja burst out of the tornado of water, thought in a completely different form. This, was Ash Greninja. Despite losing his memory and only regaining a small fraction of it so far, Ash and Greninja still managed to somehow tap into this power.

"It's time to end this." Ash said as both he and Greninja held their hands up as a giant shuriken was formed. It shined a golden colour, similar to the one that was used when Ash finally defeated Alain. 

"GO!!!" Ash yelled as Greninja sent the giant golden shuriken directly at both Pokemon. 

"DRAGONITE/METAGROSS!" Both Lance and Steven yelled before the shuriken struck directly at both their Pokemon, causing an explosion. 

As the smoke cleared, both Dragonite and Metagross fainted, making Pikachu and Greninja the victors of this battle. This broke Lance and Steven as they were baffled, they had failed Giovanni. 

"Giovanni is not my master, and neither yours! He has manipulated us for his own gain!" Ash yelled at both of the champions as they had a look of disbelief and confusion on their faces. At this point, they didn't know what to believe anymore. 

"You don't have to follow his orders. You can regain your memories, become the person who you once were." Ash said as he placed both his hands on Lance and Steven's shoulder. 

"...Then, what will happen to the current version of us?" Steven asked timidly. 

This question caught Ash off guard, he hadn't thought about that. And honestly, it kind of scared him a bit. He knew that once he became who he was before, the current him would no longer exist. 

Or would it...?

"We will continue to live, as a part of them." Ash answered sincerely. 

"Not as a haunting memory which brings the feeling of guilt, but as a hidden personality that lives inside them." 

With these words, a small smile came onto Lance and Steven's face as they closed their eyes. Knowing for a fact that they will not fade from existence. 

And, knowing for a fact that they had just regained a tiny little bit of who they were before. 

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