The Plan

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"Ouch!" The dark haired girl shouted, Boruto knew that girl. "I'm so sorry Sarada! Please forgive me!" The blonde said as he lend his hand towards her to help her get up. "I-It's f-fine Boruto" Sarada said as she blushed while holding his hand to get up. "Anyways... I have to tell you something important but we need to do this in private" Sarada said, she then proceeded to drag Boruto to a empty room. "Sarada I also have something to say it's about Inoj-" Sarada covered Boruto's mouth and said "Please let me explain first" "Go ahead, ladies first" Boruto said as he chuckled "W-Whatever baka" Sarada said blushing "Well I was walking in the hall and then I saw Sumire talking to Cho Cho, I didn't want to be that type of person that listens to their private conversation so I kept walking. But then I heard mine and your name, so I got interested and hid behind a wall, I then heard their evil plan... and Cho Cho agreed to work on it! But that didn't matter anymore..." Sarada said with a sad face "Hey it's okay, I will always be by your side no matter what" Boruto told Sarada and gave her a sweet smile. Sarada couldn't help but hugging him "You shannaro... You better not leave me or else I will beat you up! Boruto... I care about you so much... Please don't leave me!" Sarada said tearing up "Didn't I just say that I won't? Don't cry Sarada..." Boruto sweetly told Sarada "But go ahead and tell me the plan so we can decide what to do about both of them" Sarada looked up at him and made a confused face "Both?" "Oh well I was going to mention what happened to me... It's actually really similar to yours, but please explain the res-" Before Boruto could finish Sarada cut him off and said "No please say yours, If we listen to both we can maybe form a plan to stop both of the plans at the same time" Boruto chuckled "What's so funny?" Sarada said getting angry "Nothing, It's just that... You're really smart Sarada. I think you will overpass all the hokages in Smartness"  Boruto had a small light pink blush in his cheeks and he was laughing


I looked at him like he was my idol... he had a light pink blush but that was nothing compared to mine -////- I then realized that we were still hugging and I was kinda on his lap... I jumped out and sat getting ready to start the plan. "Huh?" He said with a surprised and confused look "Whats wrong?" I responded to his confused face "I really liked when you were sitting on me, you were blushing madly and it made you look cute. But you're always cute so no worry" Boruto said as he winked at me. "BORUTO YOU..." I was about to faint but then I realized we had to get to class in about 30 minutes, we both had our lunch break right now. "Baka just hurry up and tell me what you saw!" "I'm just kidding dattebasa!" he said. I felt a feeling... a sad feeling...


After I said that she looked depressed... But then she quickly got back to her normal face and ready to start. "No time to play right now Bolt, Now hurry up and start exlaining!" Bolt? She never called me that... But she was serious and so was I, so we started "Okay" I took a deep breath and then started "I heard Inojin talking behind my back with Shikadai and I could here part if the plan but not completely, 'So he will get drunk and we will make her go to a girl and flirt with her. Then they will make out and etc. while wee bring Sarada to him and BOOM! Sarada will be upset and I will comfort her then she will love m-' thats all I heard before Shikadai punched him in the face and left him" She then told me that was the same plan that Sumire came up with. I then noticed her cheeks were light pink... "O-Okay so I came up with a plan but... I don't think you will like it >///<" "I want to hear it" I told her and then she nodded


Boruto and Sarada were sitting on a table and Sarada was beginning to start explaining the plan and then she proceeded to start "S-So... I think we should pretend we are drunk and then... Instead of flirting with another girl or boy... We should go to each other and s-start to flirt" Sarada was having a whole red face and about to faint, Boruto was just staring at her with a happy face? "I-  I um..." Boruto said. he was then interrupted by Sarada "Y-YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THIS! YOU CAN GO AHEAD AND FLIRT WITH ANOTHER GIRL OR JUST DATE SUMIRE IT'S FINE REALL-" The blond then kissed her hand and responded to her long speech "Sarada, you're my friend! I would never be like that. Also Sumire is not my type of girl, I don't need another girl to flirt with besides YOU" He said. Then a loud thud was heard.... Turns out it was just Sarada fainting but the blonde had cached her before her head hit the floor. "If only you knew how much I love you" he said and then kissed her forehead. Sarada couldn't hear him... But felt him She then had a small smile.

3 hours later


I was getting ready for everything... I had a cup with beer and just alcohol, that was for Boruto.  I set everything up and then the party would start in an hour... Haha! Sarada would be all mine now...

Sumire POV

Cho Cho had the cup of alcohol ready to give to Sarada because she could trust her "best friend" right? Haha! Boruto would be all mine now...


I was still really worried about the party... I did have to drink A LITTLE of the cup just to pretend I WAS DRUNK. But... What if Boruto flirted with someone else? What if he leaves me? What if he embarrasses me in front of everyone? OR WHAT IF... We take it too farther?!?! I mean It's my dream to be with Boruto... But I- WHAT THE THE HECK AM I THINKING!?!? WE ARE JUST FRIENDS! Sadly...

Boruto POV

Damnit... Today is the worst birthday ever! I didn't want to have my lame party at Inojin's house... I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO HAVE A PARTY NOR ASK FOR ONE!! All I wanted to do is take the love of my life Sarada to a date and confess... But maybe... I CAN TAKE HER OUT ON ONE AFTER THE PARTY AND CONFESS! YEAH! Thats my plan!

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