The ride

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"I should wear a dress" I said to myself, I want to look good for Boruto. I wore a white long sleeve shirt with a red skirt that was not that long kinda below short. The skirt had some little details. I wore It  because... Today I want to confess to him! I love him... I love him so much! He is always there for me... He complements me... and he is just what I want! I don't like him because of his popularity and looks, I love him because of his personality! And I hope he is the right one... I wish I could just kiss him right now and hug him while we cuddl- WHAT?!?! I felt my cheeks hot and again... I was blushing


"Time to go pickup Sarada" I thought. But I'm not going to wear my normal clothes, I was wearing a black tuxedo and had my necklace that my mom had given me before she passed... "Are you looking mom? Today I'm going to confess to the love of my life!" I said, "I wish you and dad were still here..." I also wore the same suit my dad wore when he confessed to my mom. Time to pick her up now!


Boruto got in his car and drove to Sarada's house. Once he got there he knocked on the door Sarada went quickly downstairs and opened it and then they saw each other "S-Sarada you're so beautiful!" Boruto told her "D-Don't lie... Save the flirting for later" Sarada said "I'm not lying dattebasa!  You look like a beauty!" Boruto said while giving a her a smile "T-Thank you... B-Bolt" Sarada said with a a big blush on her face "You look really handsome in that suit" Sarada told him "Really?" he asked her "Yeah... You look like good boyfriend-Gentlemen" She told him while looking away blushing "Hm...  If I'm a boyfriend... Then I'm your boyfriend picking you up" He said seductively into her ear and gave her a little kiss on her neck and cheek. "WAAAA! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU SAYING BORUTO!" She then punched him in the arm "I'm just kidding Sarada... But we can make it reality" He winked at her while rubbing his arm "IF YOU KEEP SAYING NON-SENCE I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET IT!" "Okay okay..." Boruto said in a sad tone. He lost hope that Sarada would accept to being his girlfriend, because she always denies the flirting and everything...


Boruto was flirting with me just a bit ago and I- I liked it >///< But after I rejected him he looked a bit sad and his mood changed from happy to rude... "Hurry up and get in" He yelled at me "O-Okay"  I said back... But why is he acting so rude? That's not how I like Bolt... As I got in, put my seat belt on and close the door he started the car. We were driving to Inojin's house and I asked him something "Bolt, are you ready for the plan?" I asked scare of his response "I don't really want to flirt anymore... You will probably reject me or something in front of everyone...." He coldly responded. I... I just couldn't take it anymore! I love the sweet Bolt... The one that is caring and happy! I hugged him and said "What the hell makes you think that!??" I shouted at him


I don't know why I was acting so rude... I felt bad but I didn't do anything about it. I felt like a jerk! "Bolt, are you ready for the plan?" she asked "I don't really want to flirt anymore... You will probably reject me or something in front of everyone...." I responded... Why was I so rude? I asked myself. I felt something hugging me and it was Sarada O///O I had a small blush on me... "What the hell makes you think that!??" She shouted at me I didn't know what to do and something escaped from my mouth... "Look get off me, I'm driving also I think we should cancel the plan if you're going to act sassy and all of that" I said with a cold tone "Bolt I... I'm so sorry..." I didn't know what I was doing... On our way there her head was down so I got back to my regular self and lifted her chin up "B-Boruto" She stuttered and was blushing. No more "Bolt"... I thought "I'm so sorry... I just remembered something... And I got mad but everything I said about you right now... I don't and never will mean it" I said and I smiled at her


"I f-forgive you" He was so close I could kiss him... IF I had the guts...  "I want to make it up to you... S-So I... Um..."  he wanted to ask me something "What is it Bolt?" I asked him and I also gave him a little smile for him to get encouraged. "D-Do you want to... DO YOU WANT TO GO ON A DATE WITH ME?"

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