The Party

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As Boruto opened the door he saw drinks spilled,food everywhere,drunk people and just total chaos. The party didn't even look like a birthday party it looked more like a party for adults and Boruto was just not liking it so far... Both of them walked all the way towards the middle and they found their friends. "Yo Boruto! Whats up man?" A spiky haired boy said from behind taping Boruto's shoulder "Oh Shikadai! It's okay man... What about you" Boruto asked his tired looking friend "Ugh... Inojin made this so troublesome... I guess it's okay besides the point that there is drunk people here..." Shikadai said with a sigh at the end and out of no where showed up "Hey guys how do you like the party so far?" he said "It's okay I guess... I don't really know people from here besides Shikadai,Mitsuki,Chocho,Sumire and our group" Sarada said "Don't worry Sarada... I will make it better for you" He said with a seductive voice and winked at her. Boruto noticed this and he got mad already. 


"Uh... Inojin... I don't think I will be here for that long because me and Bolt will go to somewhere after" I told him while backing away from him "Who is Bolt?" Inojin said, I got embarrassed "U-Um That's my... MY FRIEND!" I said trying not to sound obvious "Sarada..." Bolt told me. Shikadai gave us a confused look and then smirked "You meant Boruto right ?" he said in a teasing voice. I immediately blushed and got an excuse to leave for a second "I-I UH... I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" And I left running. I hid behind a wall to calm down and then I got tapped on the shoulder. "Hey Sarada! Whats up girl why u hiding here?! The party is over here!" A dark skined girl with orange hair told me "Oh... Hey Chocho..." I said with a annoyed tone "Girl whats wrong?" "Oh nothing..." I simply responded. I was still pretty pissed about earlier... "C'mon! Sumire wants to do something!" She then dragged me out of where I was hiding and I instantly knew that it was almost time... When I was getting dragged Boruto noticed and I nodded with a worried face he then did the same and I was in a room now with Chocho and of course,Sumire... "Hey Sarada... So... There is this drink and it's so good! BUT it makes you dizzy and makes you sleeep! And you can control your dreams!" She told me "So basically a lucid dream" I said with a 'not interested' face. OUT OF ALLLLLLLLL THE EXCUSES... THIS IS THE ONE YOU PICK!?! "Yeah yeah whatever smart ass! Just drink it!" She then handed me a cup. I had to drink a little JUST to make it more believable. I slowly reached for it and then had it in my hand... I couldn't believe I was abut to drink alcohol for the first time at 16 YEARS! I sighed and then put it slowly to my lips and drank above half... "Yass girl! Now relax for a second" Sumire told me but I couldn't understand her... I felt... Dizzy and I passed out... (I-I think I- D-Drank too m-much) I thought before I went blank...


"I-I UH... I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" She said before leaving us alone "So... Boruto how is it going with Sarada?" Shikadai asked me "Uh what do you mean?" I said trying not to look nervous "You know what I mean" he said in a teasing voice "I- It's okay... We are just friends! I don't like her!" Just right when I said that I looked to my right to see Sarada being dragged by Chocho. I didn't understand... Until I remembered that Chocho was part of the "Sumire's plan" When I was thinking about that Sarada gave me a worried face and nodded, I then realized that Sumire was about to start. I then gave her a nod back, I was also kinda worried for her so I think I looked as worried as her. And I also was nervous for what I planned to do when we started our own plan... I hope everything ends up okay and then I felt a little tap on my shoulder again. I turned around and like I thought it was Inojins's hand "Yo bro! I have this cool drink and every guy has drinked it in our club so don't be a little pussy and get out of it aight?" Who the fuck does this guy think he is to call me that?!? "A fucking pussy? C'mon Inojin grow up from making fun of that word! What are you 12? It's disrespectful to girls" I said with a really serious tone "Whoa Boruto... I like that side of you man... I guess Sarada made you grow up. But seriously good job from acting more mature" Shikadai told me "Shut up both of yall! Yall are so lame! But Boruto c'mon just try it out! I swear you will get addicted to this shit in less than a second" He said trying to convince me to drink it. I already was because I need to do my part of me and Sarada's plan so I got the drink and slowly put it on my lips."BORUTO WAIT DON'T! HE IS-" that was the last thing I heard and then passed out...


Inojin was STILL trying to covince Boruto to drink it. Man what a drag... I couldn't let him drink it so when I saw he had it in his lips I shouted "BORUTO WAIT DON'T! HE IS-" But then I heard a loud thud and then I saw him unconscious on the floor...


Okay Okay! I know you probably hate me but listen to me! Before I accepted to help Sumire I planned to betray her.  THEN I accepted it, now we were in the party and I quickly took the drink and switched it to juice BUT it still had a little of alcohol that I didn't know was still there... But Sarada, knowing her, still couldn't take it... And when I saw her unconscious on the floor I felt so bad... and sad...

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