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This chapter's kinda short but honestly I have a lot in store for this book & I can't wait to share it with y'all. This book is about to have y'all on an emotional roller coaster

Y'all let's kick it up a notch and get this chapter to 60 votes & 60 comments!!!


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"I ain't been seeing you in class"Dime said, while I sat across from her at her dining room's table

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"I ain't been seeing you in class"Dime said, while I sat across from her at her dining room's table

"That's because I haven't been going to school"I replied, picking at my finger nails

Dime shook her head "See that's why you need to go home, if you were there you'd be at school everyday"

"I can't go home even if I wanted to"

"You still haven't told me why though, I feel like you're over exaggerating"

"I wish I was"I mumbled, it wasn't like thoughts of me going home didn't cross my mind I was definitely afraid of what would happen once I got there I was terrified of the consequences I may have to face the minute I walk through the door.

"Well, I'd rather you home than with Smoke and I'm telling you this cause we friends... Nae, Smoke"Dime hesitated "He ain't all the way there, my brother got a few screws missing,"

I lowly sighed pretty much feeling like everyone was trying to scare me away from Smoke. Smoke was the only person I had, he's been sheltering me and caring for me if I didn't have him I'd probably still be in that house getting my ass whooped. I needed Smoke

"Okay what exactly is wrong with Smoke?"I asked overly anxious

She scoffed "Pfft I don't think I should say too much especially if he hasn't told you himself just pay attention to his ass when he not high, drugs keep him sane"

Her words replayed in my head as I sat up in bed, I was awoken by faint noises and Smokes voice. I couldn't hear him clearly until I climbed out of bed and tip toed to the door

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