chapter 1

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Unable to resist, they kept kissing in front of all these people, including patients, that are having their long-desired lunch, after both the women confessed their true feelings for each other.  It was one of those moments in which they knew that they were right where they supposed to be, although there are so many unanswered questions. "Maya, what's the story behind your new haircut?" Carina asked her while tucking Maya's short strand behind her ear. Carina was not exactly sure how to continue properly. She knew that they definitely have a lot topics of conversation, but where do you start when you just said the magical three words to each other, although the woman you love just cheated on you with her ex-boyfriend? Carina decided to carry on as if nothing bad has happened which was probably best for both since it wasn't the right place to talk about something so important: their future. "It's a long story though. Is there are room in the hospital where we are able to talk in private?" Maya replied. "You could go into the green room, it's especially private." Teddy interrupted their conversation...again while winking at the hot Italian woman. "Ugh Teddy, don't you have patients that need your help? Thanks anyway." Carina said with a smile on my face. Only 5 minutes later they arrived in the green room. There was a couch, which would be big enough for two, an armchair as well as some usual chairs. However, while Maya sat on the couch, Carina chose to sit a little apart on the armchair. It was awkward silence as they were staring into each other's eyes. "We still have a lot to talk about, but I think that a hospital room is not the right place for that. My shift ends at 9 pm, so maybe we could meet at 10 at your place?" Carina asked. "I agree. And of course, that would be great." Maya replied. "I still have some minutes left until I have to go check on my patients, so what has happened with your hair?" Carina said with her sweet Italian accent. She still wondered why she had cut off her long hair since she always loved it. Maya hesitated for a second since her dad, but also Jack, are a big part of the story. Carina realized that Maya got a little upset when she mentioned her new haircut, so she stood up and took a seat right next to her. She placed her hand in hers. "It's okay." Carina whispered in her ear to comfort her as she knows that Maya can be very fragile, especially when it comes to her father. As soon as Maya felt her hand, she also felt loved and comfortable. She always does when Carina is around. It's hard for Maya to talk about feelings, but she opened up even though it would cost her a lot of strength since she still loves her father endlessly after all he has done to her and her family. "We were called in for an emergency. I was trying to contact my firefighters that were stuck in this burning house when I noticed my dad showing up at my scene. We started fighting and he also started yelling at me as always. I commanded him to leave, but he wouldn't. I turned around when he started pulling my ponytail. It was the moment I realized that you have been right the whole time... I am terribly sorry; I've never wanted to put you through this." Maya said while tears were running down her face. "Calm down. Take a deep breath and relax." Carina said with a worried face: she was afraid that Maya would have another panic attack. "When I was back at the station, I kept staring into the mirror. I felt nothing, but embarrassment. I then grabbed the scissors and chopped of my hair. Short after that Jack walked in...". Maya realized that Carina's beautiful face dropped, and she also started to get rid of Maya's hands. "No please! Listen to me." she said. "He walked in. I told him that..." she stopped by taking a deep breath. "I told him that I lost the woman I love... I was desperate because I was sure that I cannot demand forgiveness. He told me otherwise, so I went to the hospital to talk to you..." she continued. "Maya, I am so sorry because of your dad." Carina replied. Her words came out abruptly and shorter than usual. She was of two minds. On one hand, she still felt betrayed, but on the other hand, she wanted to help the woman she loves more than anything because she exactly knew how Maya felt since her brother and her experienced abuse as well.

There it was again: the awkward silence. They both were lost in thought when they got interrupted by Carina's emergency pager which was screaming alarm. "I have to leave, my patients are waiting. See you after work." Carina said when she already was about to open the door. "See you then!" Maya replied with a little smile on her face. Shortly after Maya left the hospital too. She was relieved because she did not expect the conversation to end well even though she knows that the bigger one will only be this evening. She already made some plans about dinner. At this time, she did not know that all her plans and hopes would soon burst into million pieces...

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