chapter 3

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The argument between the three started to get much more intensive. Only when her dad started to attack Carina with his abusive words, did she realize again how blind she has been the whole time. "Who do you think you are to tell me what I should do in my daughter's apartment?" Maya's dad shouted at Carina. "I know people like you! Aren't you ashamed of yourself about the things that you've been doing to your own daughter and family?" Carina said. She was full of anger, and she had hard times to control her Italian temper. Maya reached for Carina's hand because she felt helpless. "I see what's going on here. You are dating this woman, aren't you?" her father said loudly. He always wanted Maya to marry a man, he doesn't care whether she's happy or not. Maya's whole life, he only cared about her accomplishments, which always had to be the highest standards possible, otherwise Maya would fear bad consequences. "You are a disgrace for this family! You are sick, you both are! Women should never date women, how dare you to bring shame over my image. You would be nothing without me!" he said. "Listen! You do not have the audacity to tell me with whom I should be with! I'm not longer your little doll that you can command whenever you want! And now leave my apartment." Maya shouted into her dad's face as she was getting angrier about anything he ever said. "I'm your dad! I have the right to know who you with. I don't want you to fuck this woman!" he replied. It was enough, he had said enough, and it was time that he would finally leave. "Whether you like it or not, but you will never change the way I feel about her! You've done enough, dad! I've given up things and I've hurt people because of you. I won't let that happen again, and now leave my apartment. I better do not repeat myself again, otherwise I'll call the police! The time you've treated me with disrespect is over!" Maya said. "This is not over young lady." her dad whispered when he left. As the door closed, Maya instantly hugged Carina. "Thank you so much." Maya whispered in her ear and then gave her a little kiss on her cheek afterwards. Carina was beyond proud of Maya. Never before has she seen Maya so enormously brave towards her dad.

It was almost midnight, so Maya offered Carina to stay overnight as she was still in shock about the incident with her dad. "Can you stay overnight, please?" Maya asked Carina while they sat on the coach. "Of course." Carina replied with her cute little smile. Another 30 minutes faded away in which Maya fell asleep in Carina's arms. Carina, however, could not sleep because she kept overthinking the incident earlier. What would have happened when she would not have been here with Maya? Thousands of questions crossed her mind while she stared at Maya. She lovely stroked Maya's face: everything felt right now. She knew that Maya still has to prove that she really deserved her forgiveness, but she already began to forgive. Although cheating is no excuse for any situation that someone is in, she was sure that Maya did not betrayal her trust because she just wanted to see her hurt or there wasn't enough feelings... It was a huge mistake that can't be undone. Everything Carina knew for certain was that Maya deserves a second chance to prove herself. Also, Carina didn't want to live a life without having Maya in it. After Arizona, Maya was the first person that meant something to her and besides the "Jack-thing" she knew that she could trust Maya endlessly...

A few hours later, Maya woke up to an empty couch and by empty she meant without Carina. Hardly, had she stood up this fast before. Where was she? Has she taken an upper to her own apartment? The only thing that Maya can remember is that she fell asleep in Carina's warm arms shortly after midnight. How could she not realize that she has left? It was almost impossible.

She looked everywhere for Carina: in the kitchen, in her bedroom, in the bathroom, and even in the storeroom. Carina was nowhere to find. "Maybe she's at work." Maya thought. She got a little upset because Carina never left for work without saying...kissing her good-bye before. Maya didn't know whether she should call her or not: maybe there was a reason for her leaving. Also, Maya has shift herself in few hours, so she decided to concentrate on that. When she suddenly heard someone opening the door. She sat on the couch again, therefore she couldn't see who is coming in, but she knew that it must be Carina since she is the only one that has the key to her apartment. "Carina?" Maya said in happiness when she stood up as fast as she could to look if it really was Carina. And there she was, holding bakery bags from Maya's favorite bakery downtown. "Hey." Carina said as she smiled. "What are you doing here? I thought you left for work." Maya said. "I called in sick, so we could spend the day together." Carina replied. "Really?" she said with a smirk on her face. She was so happy to see Carina, so that she completely forgot about her work. "Ugh, but I have to work later." Maya said sadly because there is nothing else she wouldn't want to do more than spending the day with Carina. "Non si preoccupi! I've got that covered. Andy takes over for today." Carina answered. "Thank you so much." Maya responded.

An hour has died, and the two women were still sitting on the table, enjoying their breakfast together. Even while eating, there was this constant attraction: both wanted to kiss each other, but none of them wanted to ruin the moment. It was odd since they kissed at the hospital, exactly two days ago after confessing their feelings. Maya, nevertheless, didn't know if Carina was ready...again after their conversation last night. It was like watching two people on their second that can't resist each other, but nobody is brave enough to make the first move. "Do you want another cup of tea?" Maya asked. "Sure." Carina replied. And then it happened again: Maya handed Carina the hot cup of tea when their hands met, as well as their eyes. She just wanted to kiss her again, so she placed the cup on the table, and then grabbed Maya's face with both her hands to kiss her with all she could give, until...

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