Chapter 2

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It was 7:45 and Toni brought her red pick up truck and parked it outside of the huge house she scoffed at the unnecessarily big house. It had too be at least 7 bedrooms, who the hell needed seven bedrooms? And the worst part is, it was just Cheryl and her parents it's not like they had a lot of kids.

Toni immediately noticed the only car in the driveways was Cheryl's red Mercedes so that meant her parents weren't home. As Toni was leaning on the truck her phone dinged in her pocket. 

She quickly checked the message and it was Cheryl telling her to just come inside since She wasn't ready. Toni bit her lip before turning off her phone and heading into the huge doors of the house.

When she opened the door she was more than shocked. There was nice hardwood floors and a huge stair case with stainless steal railings. Toni saw the huge kitchen with a fridge with- Toni squealed excitedly when she saw the fridge had a touch screen thing on it.

She ran over and tapped random buttons on the fridge.

"How May I assist you?" The fridge said and Toni only got more excited.

"I've never seen someone so excited for a fridge before" Cheryl laughed slightly as she walked up behind Toni. Toni cleared her throat and turned around.

"Well your fridge talks to you." Toni said pointing at the refrigerator. "My fridge goes ch ch kuh boosh" Toni mimicked the sound of something breaking.

Cheryl held back a laugh. She found the girl cu- funny. She found the girl slightly funny.

Toni finally looked up and she immediately went into a trance. As much as she disliked Cheryl and didn't like her for staring the whole big lie the girl was  undeniably pretty.

Her hair was wet and across her back and shoulders. She wore a grey crop top and tight mini skirt that reached just below mid thighs, she wore black keds to finish the look, she had on very light makeup and her red book bag was on her back.

"Are you checking me out?" Cheryl mimicked what the girls aid last night.

"Yes I am, we should practice fuck you know, for the um, to help the people believe it." Toni nodded her head excitedly.

Cheryl narrowed her eyes and shook her head.

"Take me to school." Was all Cheryl said before walking out the house. Toni looked back at the refrigerator then back at Cheryl. She huffed and followed the girl.

"A truck? How classy" Cheryl hummed and Toni rolled her eyes.

"Yeah sorry my BMW was in the shop." Toni rolled her eyes as she opened the door. Cheryl looked at how the truck was actually really cozy in the inside Toni had placed a nice multi colored blanket on the back of the seat and the car smelled almost identically like Toni. Except instead of just vanilla spearmint, weed, and the occasional kiwi lip balm it smelled like car freshener instead.

"Get inside before I push you in." Toni groaned going over to her side and opening the door for herself. Cheryl reluctantly got in and they started there drive to school some song was faintly playing and the soft rain started to drizzle outside.

Cheryl was shocked that her, Cheryl Marjorie blossom was in a car, on the way to school with her 'girlfriend' Toni topaz. If you would've told her that a week ago she would've enrolled you into a mental institute.

She took the time to glance over Toni's attire. The girl wore a blue and pink tie dye sweater with the rim of a bright yellow shirt underneath, black jeans cuffed do to the cuffed pants you could see the girl's pink socks and white converses that were dirty nonetheless, the girl finished her look with the same dog chains she always wore and a leather jacket.

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