Chapter 3

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I'm surprised at the success of last chapter.

Hey remember to drink water and make sure you eat too you stupidly adorable bitch :)

I saw the first lesbian video game characters today google Ellie and Dina on YouTube.

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The next day Toni was at the girls house later than she was the day before. It was 8:15 when the girls truck pulled into the driveway. Toni cursed when she saw the redheaded girl with her arms crossed and a glare immediately on her face.

Toni got out the car and the girl strolled up to her. Toni leaned back on the truck raising an eyebrow as the girls face slightly but the glare soon returned.

"School starts in 15 minutes wanna explains why you're late?" Cheryl huffed causing Toni to groan and roll her head back. Cheryl then looked at her eyes and her eyebrows immediately shot up. Toni's eyes were bloodshot and now that she was thinking about it the girl smelled way more like weed than usual.

"You're high" Cheryl gasped smacking the girl's arm. She furrowed her eyebrow when the girl flinched at the contact. As if Cheryl's tap to the arm hurt her?

"Yeah so?" Toni said biting her lip and looking away from the girls eyes.

"So?" Cheryl duplicated "you drove here high and you have school in fifteen minutes are you insane?" Cheryl Pusher the girls shoulders which earned another flinch from the girl. Cheryl let her hands fall and backed a few steps away.

"Don't worry about me, three weeks and you don't even have to fucking think about. Me again. Stop acting as if you do alright ?" Toni scoffed before entering the truck and slamming the door behind her.

Cheryl bit at her cheek and went to the other side grabbing her book bag. She was wearing a red sweater, white nice jeans with two inch black heeled boots. Toni's jacket over her shoulders. She folded her arms and glared our the window.

"You didn't have to be rude." Cheryl huffed our breaking the silence two minutes later as they neared the school.

"You didn't have to be nosy." Toni said in a low tone. The girl was usually up beat and sarcastic but today she seemed off? Cheryl didn't respond instead she gazed over to the girl. She was wearing a green turtle neck, a jean jacket, black tattered jeans, the same damn dirty converses, and the same dog chains she wore with everything.

Cheryl smiled unconsciously at the girl's appearance she cursed at herself for doing so but didn't say anything further. She noticed the light freckles on the girl's cheek do to the girl never wearing makeup, she saw the small scar under her chin and the slit of her eyebrow. She wondered where she got the scar.

Toni's hair was pulled up half in a bun on the top of her head the other half falling across her shoulders and back. She looked amazing today. Cheryl looked through her back pack once she parked the car and once she found what she was looking for she turned around to face Toni.

"What are you doing?" Toni said in a quiet tone as the girl crawled over so she was right beside her. The girl had eyedrops and perfume in her hands.

"If you go into school looking like you just left cheech and Chong's Van then you'll get suspended." Cheryl hummed grabbing the girl's chin and making her tilt her head back as she opened the eye drops.

"You watched that movie?" Toni said lazily. She seemed almost tired.

"Once with Betty. She said it was when comedy started to be Funny." Cheryl answered dropping two drops in each eye. Toni closed her eyes and opened them a few times.

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