Chapter 4

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THIS IS AN UPDATE DONT SKIP  hey guys this isn't that long of a chapter but it's still very important so enjoy


Also I've decided to write a book that's not a fanfic. If you're curious what it's about it's about a step in the future but instead of futuristic type thing it's a spin and is set back multiple multiple generations do to a virus breakout that turns things into zombie like creatures. obviously has some good ole gay lesbian action in it but what differs from other stories is there's a huge dad and daughter connection in the book although they aren't related it's very wholesome in my opinion. And I feel like normalizing that type of supportive father figure in every stuff it'd be amazing.

But now we get on to the story

"You're actually into that book?" Cheryl snorted as the two sat across from each other in the library.

It was close to the end of the day and Cheryl had been holding off her impulsive decision to kiss the girl all day.

"I'm re reading it," Toni hummed looking up from her book to the redheaded girl. Cheryl was chewing on the end of her pen as she looked back at the pink haired beauty.

Cheryl noticed how Toni's eyebrows furrowed as she read and her eyes narrowed at the text. She thought it was adorable when the girl would lick her thumb to turn the page.

"Read to me," Cheryl offered lightly Toni looked up in confusion. Toni doesn't read aloud, it's not that she was nervous it was that she got so into the book she didn't want to embarrass herself with how passionate she truly was about it.

"No I don't think-" Toni starts but is cut off by Cheryl.

"Please?" Cheryl said softly batting her eyelashes. Toni sighed and gave one hen she saw the pouty lip. Fuck Cheryl's cuteness.

"I hate everything about you." Toni mumbled before clearing her throat.

"T here are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense" Toni read in a calm hushed tone her voice filled with emotion as she read each word clearly.

Cheryl was taken back by the quote from the book and the way Toni's passion cam about after each word. She smiled softly and looked into those chocolate brown eyes. " that was beautiful" Cheryl hummed.

"The whole book is." Toni chuckled quietly. A comfortable silence fell amongst the two. A few minutes later the bell dismissing them for the final class rang.

Cheryl was shocked when Toni grabbed her books and was waiting to hold her hand and walk her to class. She never expected Toni of all people to be so caring and sweet at all times. I mean yes occasionally she was grumpy, but most the time she was so patient and calm.

"Stop staring at me blossom" Toni grinned pulling the girl out of the library.

"I'm not staring." Cheryl murmured under her breath.

"Oh so you were just looking at me for a long period of time?" Toni corrected herself earning a small smile and a smack to the arm form Cheryl.

"You make me want to vomit." Cheryl laughed as the only smiled wider.

"Are you throwing up because all of the butterflies I put in your stomach?" Toni asked furrowing her eyebrows like a child would.

"Ew stop that's so gross." Cheryl rolled her eyes with a smirk on her lips.

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