13. Don't Save Your Tears

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 It was a cool evening, Dazai had walked through the halls of the organization after getting called to Mori's office. Not a single person on security even batted an eye at him, letting him walk through the halls silently, footsteps patting the floor.

" You've called me, Mori-san," Dazai said, getting the attention of the mafia down who was twirling the feather pen in his hands. " Ah, Dazai-kun," he lit up," I'm here to discuss business of a certain mafiosa."

" I'm assuming you're talking about (Y/N)-san.," the bandaged executive responded. Mori hummed," I'm impressed. Well you're right on. I'd like to discuss her actions that I've heard these past few days. Her father had apparently appeared in Yokohama with his own troops in order to take her back, no?"

" The majority of traps that she's fallen into is because her father put a bounty on her head. However, I don't know much after what happened this morning," Dazai informed. Mori snapped, getting the attention of one of his subordinates, who took out a report.

" There are reports from two days ago of our own port workers were shot up. However, the attackers were immediately left with wounds. An executive and a cleaner were called to observe and get rid of the scene. Just yesterday, there was noise of an explosion in an abandoned hospital, which upon further inspection had several corpses at said hospital."

Dazai sighed," I know all that. What is the point that you're trying to make here?" Mori smirked," I wish to move her to subexecutive. I listening to your intentions, but now I've seen reports with my own eyes. She's deemed herself worthy enough."

" My my~," the bandaged man said, turning on his heels towards the door," So desperate to move people up nowadays, eh?" " Well that's not the only reason," he replied, catching Dazai's attention once again. Mori's hands placed down a wad of cash that was put into an envelope," It's an apology from her father."

He continued," Her father paid me money to move her up in the ranks. It's also partially the reason that I called you here instead of her. Her father wanted me to move her up the ranks and this apology letter. Deliver the news and this both to her, if you would."

" Eh? Why are you choosing me?," the boy responded. " I heard you have connections with the girl. A relationship that surpasses even friendship, no?" Dazai looked up," I do." Mori sighed," Then, I supposed you send it to her. Assuming that her father put her through hell, I feel as if she'd take the new better from you."

" I guess you're not wrong.," he said.

" Do you love the girl?"
" Dearly. For her, I'd do anything in the world without a second thought."

Dazai smiled off, walking away from the door. The girl made him soft sure, but that doesn't mean that he'd be careless in her aid.

" Oh, Dazai-kun. She can still keep the bar job if she'd like, duel-wielding jobs can be tiring however."


Rain enveloped the sky. It was a empty night at the bar, Dazai and (Y/N) were the only two there at such later hours. Oda hadn't come that night and Ango was on business. " Darling, can I get more canned crab?," Dazai said, a hand under his chin with a gruff expression.

(Y/N) placed down another can in front of her boyfriend before returning to cleaning glasses. " Osamu," she said softly," Something on your mind?" He continued to poke at the food in the can with an bored expression. " I just have to deliver news to someone and I know that maybe it might not get the best reaction," he replied.

" Eh?," the girl chuckled," A message delivery? If you're that tired, I can do it for you. Ha-ha!" Her lover shook his head, taking her hand, catching her off-guard. " It's not like that, (Y/N)-san. The message is to you and I know how you're going to react already."

(Y/N) nodded, grabbing the stool that was placed to the side. A hand met her cheek," Well, you've moved up in the ranks. When Mori-san called, there were various reports relating to your actions. He's impressed to say the least."

" Wait, seriously?!," (Y/N) responded," He's not angry?" He shook his head and smiled at her tenderly, knowing what was about to come," No, my Love. He even said that you could keep the bar job if you wish. It is a night shift, anyways." She lit up, almost forgetting Dazai's nervous expression," That's great! I'm looking forward to it."

Dazai sighed nervously, his thumb caressing her chin lightly," There's a second part to it. You're father was involved and he has a letter for you." (Y/N) jolted back at the mention of her father as he pulled out a letter from his coat pocket, placing it on the counter.

In (Y/N)'s eyes, the letter looked like it was burning. It was almost as if all the nightmares of her past were put into one letter. Sure, she hadn't known what was inside, but the thought of it terrified her.

" It's an apology letter.," Dazai said, breaking her train of thought. As much as she hated the way the letter looked, she was tempted to open it. The desire to open it soon took over the desire to burn it. She tore it open.

My dearest daughter,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I wish to continue to send you money when needed. I've realized that keeping you all to myself has become an obsession rather than for love. I'm keeping my distance away, and I will refrain from sending letters. In exchange, your boss, Mori Ougai, will be sending me whereabouts of you. He's had to move you up to keep in check with your abilities.
In other words, this is an apology. An apology for my obsession, if you so wish to return, you will be treated with respect.
My apologies, my dearest (Y/N).

(Y/N) placed the paper down and stood up from her stool and grabbing an umbrella. " (Y/N)?," Dazai asked in confusion. " Let's go home. I feel tired."

The walk in the rain was silent. (Y/N) clinged onto her lovers arm, her eyes looking down at their feet. The rain hit softly on the umbrella, muttering out footsteps and unspoken words.

Thankfully the rain fell.
Covering tears.


Silence fell around the apartment. Dazai was showering, leaving (Y/N) with a towel on her head and thoughts. She buttoned up her shirt, her (E/C) eyes staring at her feet. At that moment, the rope was torn apart. Tears streamed from her eyes, small hiccups leaving her mouth.

The door to the bathroom opened, making her try and muffle her cries. Arms wrapped around her waist, making her gasp. " Don't save your tears. You've done enough.," Dazai's voice rang in her ears. The tears fell rigorously, her shoulders shaking from the shock.

His hand caressed her arms, hushing sweet nothings in her ears. Time had passed, (Y/N) leaning on her lovers chest, dried tears on her face. Dazai looked up at the ceiling, wrapping an arm under her and pulling her closer to his chest.

Hiccups still left her lips, even though she was already fast asleep. The more those noises came out of her mouth, he felt the need to pull her body closer to his. Her head fell to the side, breathing eventually calmed.

Dazai looked down at her, his other hand pushing bangs out of her face.

" I'll protect you," he whispered," I promise."


Hello~ dearest readers!

I hope ya'll enjoyed! ^^ More chapters coming out soon and if you want to know what's going on, updates and in the chapter <----- before!

Anyways, Goodnight! I Love Ya'll!~ ^^

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