{FE} 17. A Mother's Love

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(Y/N) woke up in her assigned dorm, the bed creaking as she'd hopped out of bed. Her feet met the cold wood floor, as she moved to the kitchen to turn on a coffee pot. Her phone starting to ring from an associate, a man on the phone explained her few tasks that she'd had to carry out.

The first of them being to meet up with a higher up in a park for a meeting. She answered the call, writing down her tasks on a slip of paper with a cup of coffee in her hand. (Y/N) walked around her apartment, examining the small details. Her eyes moved away from the list and onto the folded sheets of paper that neatly lay on the coffee table.

It was the letter. She was going to bring it to her mothers tomb once the day was over. Holding it in her hands, she felt herself tremble slightly. Emotions were confused and tangled, her body almost felt numb at the thought. It got so bad that she'd realized that she was suppressing those emotions from herself.

(Y/N) placed down the papers and her list down on the coffee table, shifting her feet to her closet. She wore a black turtleneck with a white tie, white slacks, and a leather jacket that draped over her shoulders. The leather jacket was gifted to her by Mori as a sign of her recruitment.

Walking out of the closet, she fiddled with her tie in her hands. Her eyes traveled towards the letter once again, they rested on it longer this time. Sighing, she grabbed the letter and stuffed it into her jacket pocket. (Y/N) slipped on brown loafers before leaving that morning, heading towards the park.


(Y/N) read over the list again, awaiting to enter her meeting with the higher up. She looked up at a woman in traditional Japanese clothes, a parasol, with her hair in a bun. " Excuse me," (Y/N) mumbled nervously," Do you happen to be Miss Kouyou?"

The woman closed her parasol, smiling down at the girl," Ane-san is fine." The girl became flustered," Are you sure? I feel like it's so sudden to start calling each other by nicknames." Kouyou laughed," Of course. I don't mind."

" Um...," the (H/C) girl continued," You called me here, no?" Kouyou's lips curved into a soft smile," I did. I heard that Mori picked up a girl and used her to do underground tasks. The mafia gets a little lonely when there's no other woman around, ya know?"

(Y/N) blushed and giggled softly at her," I suppose so, Ane-san." The woman hummed at her response, before her hand moved to touch the girls cheek. " Ah~," she sighed," Such a beautiful face, you're that of a beautiful, blood rose." The girl blushed once again," Th-thank you."

Her hand traveled to her (H/C) hair, petting it softly," Such soft hair too! Whichever man gets you is quite lucky, you know?" Kouyou's words felt like silk, caressing her softly with her words, making (Y/N) feel dragged in even more.

The woman stopped," Ah, I should let you attend to your duties. That's all I came here for." She started walking out of the park. " A-are you sure?," (Y/N) asked. Kouyou turned around to look at the girl," If you need me, you can always contact me."


It was around evening, (Y/N)'s tasks had been finished and she'd been wandering around the city. Walking towards the sea port, she noticed a graveyard. " Oh right.," she said to herself, taking out the letter from her hands," I need to give this to mom."

(Y/N) searched around, looking for the gravestone where her mother had been buried. Her footsteps came to a halt, looking at the grave in front of her. She didn't bow, but she fell to her knees and hands.

What was this feeling...? Why does it... hurt?

She felt her own mouth open up, the words slipping from her mouth.

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